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I opened my eyes slightly to hear shushing noises. My neck really hurt, squinting my eyes, I thought it was one of the boys, but no, I finally managed to see him, Taehyung.

My eyes widened as I shot up, wincing, forgetting about the pain in my neck. I looked at them all and spoke out, "Just let me go please" Taehyung answered, "No, we looked everywhere for you, trust me we did some dangerous things but never we were once close to finding out where you were" I sighed, "But all I do is cause pain to you guys and I don't want that anymore, please just let me go. I left exactly for that reason, for all of you" without warning I ran to the door, luckily it was open. I ran downstairs to the outside door, but it was bolted.

I turned around to see each of them coming down the stairs calmly, "Stop running away from us, we'll only cross paths again" Namjoon spoke. He turned to Taehyung and they both nodded at each other, "Come on guys let's go and leave them to it" they all left and I saw Taehyung right in front of me with a smirk on his face. "You ran away from me, you need to be taught a lesson", he picked me up in bridal style and carried me up the stairs. He placed me on the bed and locked the door.

He walked towards me, he flipped me over amd tied both my hands to the bed. He took off my top along with my bra and jeans, leaving me in my underwear. He walked towards the cupboard and grabbed out a whip and walked towards me.

I shut my eyes as I felt a sharp stinging pain on my back, "This is what you deserve for being a bad girl" after 10 whips, he looked at my back and muttered a beautiful he then crawled on to the bed touching the marks as I winced. He placed his lips on my marks and peppered kisses on them.

He released my hands and I got up with tears in my eyes, he dried them away and kissed me. He looked deeply into my eyes and said, "Evelyn, no matter how many times we fight, never ever think it's because of you okay? It's never because of you baby, you're the light of our lives and we're glad to have you back" I nodded then spoke, "Okay, but Taehyung can I continue my life as normal, can I still go to work and hangout with my friends? You have to promise not to be jealous, okay? They are more like family than friends so please can everything stay like the way it did before?" he sighed then agreed, I hugged him, peppering kisses on his face.

I grabbed my phone and I called Changjo. I told him what happened and he was worried at first because he thought I wouldn't be able to hang out with them. But when I told him I could, he was happy. I said goodbye and ended my phone call.

I was feeling a little tired so I laid on the bed and drifted to sleep.



I love you angels ♡

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