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"Move the fuck away from her."

We all turned to the sound of the voice in synchronisation to see Kihyun with a gun, pointing it at them. They all stepped away from me, Kihyun walked up to me, grabbed me by my waist and kissed my cheek.

I looked at them all, my eyebrows furrowing as I noticed something unusual, there's only 6 of them... where is Jeongguk?

Kihyun stands in front leaving me behind him, "Wait isn't there-" before he could say anything, Jeongguk came from behind us knocking him out, "Come on let's go!", he shouts. We sprinted to the van, leaving the red headed prick on the ground.

On the ride home it was quiet until we reached the house. As soon as we got inside, Evelyn was about to approach the stairs until Yoongi gently grabbed her arm and begged for her to tell us what happened.

They all sat down staring at me whilst Yoongi sat by my side, his hand caressing my back. "Well I ran away from the house after seeing what I saw, I was just too upset to stay in there. I stopped running to regain my breath but this black van started following me. I got scared and tried to run an alternative route to Taehyung, but the next thing I knew I was blacking out and woke up in a cold room. The man from before called Yoo Kihyun told me that he stalked me for a while."

I collected my thoughts before I burst out crying again thinking about everything that took place. Yoongi continued to comfort me so it made it bearable for me to continue. "I made up an escape plan, but it didn't exactly go as planned. Kihyun was furious at me and as a punishment he r..aped me."

I burst out crying on Yoongi's shoulder, he hugged me tightly and the room remained silent. A while later, I stopped crying and told them while avoiding all eye contact especially with Taehyung, "I'm going to have a shower, I don't feel so well" my tears started to swell but I didn't let them fall, I walked up the stairs and made my way to the bathroom.

Soft weeping could be heard from upstairs. They were all silent feeling terribly guilty, trying their hardest not to cry for Evelyn and what she suffered.

"This is all your fault." Glaring at Taehyung, I walked over to him and punched him straight in the face, making him fall over. With that I left the room, slamming my bedroom door and left Taehyung, crying on the floor.


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