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"Congratulations, you're pregnant"

You're pregnant





The only word that lingered on Evelyn's mind.

Evelyn and Taehyung were beyond shocked, they didn't even know how to react to such news... How Evelyn must be feeling. She turned pale and clutched her stomach. "Excuse me nurse but could Evelyn and I talk in private?" He asked "Sure" she replied, that's all she said and left the room.

I grabbed a chair and turned to Evelyn. I broke down in tears whilst she stared blankly at me. "Evelyn I'm so sorry" I whispered to her, "I promised you I'm going to change for the better whatever you decide, know that I'll be here supporting you every step of the way, I promise Evelyn, I promise you." I blinked my tears away. She smiled at me whilst wiping her tears, she wrapped her arms around me and thanked me.

The silence became heavy until it was broken by Evelyn's absurd request.

"Taehyung, I want to see him."

Taehyung's eyes widened and his mouth agape. What is she saying?! "Wait Evelyn, what? You want to meet who...? The prick behind all of this..?!" I said with my voice full of concern. She stayed quiet until I calmed down. "Yes Taehyung, please let me see him.." She asked. I stayed quiet for a while, "Okay Evelyn, I'll find him for you." I whispered.

We left the hospital and went into the car. I promised Evelyn not to tell the members that she is pregnant as she requested, so I kept quiet. We reached home and the members had asked if Evelyn was okay but she had only replied that she was just unwell, that's it.

I went upstairs to do some research about that boy. It didn't take me long to find him '21 year old Kihyun ended up in hospital after being found unconscious for more than 24 hours.' His dad, the CEO of KH enterprises, "I will find whoever is responsible" for now Kihyun is currently resting in xxxxx hospital. I go to Evelyn's room to see that she is just sitting on the bed rubbing her stomach. I notified her about Kihyun's whereabouts, and wasted no time to visit him.

3hrs later

It was just the boys at home, until Evelyn walked through the doors. She just stands by the door looking at us blankly until she says,

"I'm leaving..."


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