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My tears have stopped, I don't even know where I'm going, I stood still trying to catch my breath. I noticed an unfamiliar black van coming into my view slowly growing closer to me, I began running back to the house as I ran out of other options.

The van came to a halt and a couple of men came out and sprinted towards me. I ran crying and screaming for help moving my legs as fast as I could, but alas I was captured and my whole world went black.

I woke up in a damp, cold room and heard someone speak, "You're finally awake." I turned to see where the voice was coming from and came into view, a red headed boy. He was quite tall and there was a cold, dark and vicious aura surrounding him.

I quickly got up and sat against the headboard "Where am I and who are you?" His face turned to me, "I'm Yoo Kihyun, a person who took a deep interest in you. I followed you everywhere you went and what school you attended. I tried to approach you, but that friend of yours always appeared around you so of course I was unable to grab you."

He continued. "So stupid that you never once recognised me but now I finally have you and I don't plan on letting go" my tears started to swell up, "But why? Why are you doing this? Why me?! Why couldn't you have approached me and talked to me?" He starts walking closer to me "Oh come on now Evelyn, where's the fun in that?" he chuckled, "Besides you're absolutely delicious, I just wanted to devour you the minute I saw you."

Why does this feel so familiar?

He grabbed me by my chin, giving me no other choice but to look into his soulless eyes, "Look where you are right now Evelyn, in my cellar trembling right underneath me... Didn't think I'd make it but I did and now it's getting me so excited..." he leaned down further and licked my earlobe, "Sweet dreams my love." he chuckled and left the room without forgetting to lock it.

I just stayed in that position, staring at the door not being able to take in everything as to where I am right now and why I'm not where I'm supposed to be. I'm all alone and again I'm kidnapped, you thought. You cried and croaked out, "Yoongi, anyone please save me."


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