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I paced back and forth, 12 eyes watching my every move, "Who the fuck does she think she is?!" raging with anger, and my six friends just stared at me, looking at me like an idiot. Seokjin sighed, "Taehyung, it's really not that serious, it's just a detention." Seokjin, Jimin and Jeongguk laughed, which riled me up even more. "It's not about the fucking detention!" I yelled, "Is it because she called you an idiot? I mean she's not wrong." The whole six of them laughed at Yoongi's remark. I kicked his leg, "No! You green toothpaste haired short fucking cat whispering looking piece of shit! It's that fucking attitude of hers, could you believe how disgraceful it is?!" shouting at them. Each and every one of them looked at me dumbfounded, Yoongi rubbed his leg and squinted his eyes at me, "Oh we believe it alright, must be like looking into a mirror for you, right?" and once again they all burst into fits of laughter. "I actually don't even like you guys." I rolled my eyes and walked off, their laughter becoming louder.

I was making my way to the lunch hall when Reina approached me, "Hey Evelyn, do you want to come sit with me?" I replied "Sure" We both sat down and I had seen the boys from the science lesson we were in, including Taehyung who looked pretty pissed off. "Reina, you see those seven boys over there? Do you know who they all are?" I asked her and turned my head towards them.

She turned to me and explained, "I didn't know them at first but I eventually got to know them through conversations with others. They are the 7 popular boys of this school. They call themselves BTS, basically short for Bangtan Boys and quite honestly, a lot of students here are scared of them. A student will do anything in their willpower to avoid crossing eyes as well as paths."

I asked her, "Why?" She explained that they had beaten up a couple of boys for talking to their girlfriends, by talking she meant asking for their notes back, and began to spread false rumours about a few girls only because they rejected them, shame they can't handle rejection. God they're crazy... "What are their names? I only know Taehyung."

She told me, "The one with the blonde hair is Kim Namjoon, he is known as the leader of the group, the one with the pink hair is Kim Seokjin, Jin for short, he is the eldest of the group. The mint haired is Min Yoongi, he's literally the scariest of the group I can't even lie to you. The orange haired is Jung Hoseok who's actually pretty kind, the silver haired is Park Jimin.
The one with brown hair and green streaks as you know is Kim Taehyung and the one with the black hair is Jeon Jeongguk the youngest of the group."

The day went by quickly, I took in all the information given to me by Reina carefully, however I've already broken one rule. I pissed off Kim Taehyung, had I known how they actually are, I would've been so careful. I'm afraid.

I got back to my apartment, and ran upstairs to get dressed. I was feeling a bit peckish but I wanted to explore a bit and then decide what to have tonight. I grabbed my jacket, phone, earphones and went for a walk, walking through Seoul and saw so many pretty and cute things. However, it was getting dark so I decided to go back home and eat, I was feeling sleepy so I went to bed, dreading the next day.


:) love you angels

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