It's been 5 days since Evelyn has gone missing. All of them were trying so hard to find her. It was impossible, they couldn't find anything that may have leads to where she could have gone. Yoongi was so pissed off he almost broke the house computer.

I was sat down on the sofa, blankly staring at my photos of me and Evelyn, until my sudden realisation, my eyes widened. "Namjoon!" I shouted. He turned his head to face me, "What Tae?! Have you remembered something? He questioned. "Namjoon, I remember clearly now when Evelyn first came to our house, I put a tracking chip in her phone, in case I lost her. I completely forgot about it! Please find her."

Namjoon immediately ran to the laptop, he furiously tapped the keys trying his best not to break it.

Laying down on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, all I felt was pain all over my body, I felt so.. dirty. I ran to the toilet, clutching my stomach whilst throwing up and moved my hair to the back. The pain was too much, my hopes for being rescued was long gone, The bastard had bolted the doors and windows. I was home alone, he had to leave. I don't know why and I don't care, I don't care about anything anymore.

Namjoon typed in the code of Evelyn's tracking chip, I was getting so impatient it was taking forever to load. After what felt like an eternity, he was finally able to detect Evelyn's location. "Taehyung! I found her location!"

After hearing what Namjoon had said they were all so happy, including Yoongi, there was a small smile creeping up on his face. They grabbed their weapons and entered the van.

Evelyn, I'm sorry for taking so long, I'm coming.


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