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I widened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Jimin.. What am I doing here.. Where is Taehyung?" he smirked, then walked towards me. I hit my back against the wall as he crouched down to where I was, his face right in front of mine.

"I'm sorry Evelyn, I just couldn't stop myself. I needed you desperately. I knew I had to take you for myself, ever since Taehyung brought you to our home I've always had my eyes on you even though I never showed it. But I do and I still need you, so I took you." he replied, casually.

My tears were forming. I wanted Taehyung desperately, out of everyone I never expected Jimin to do this, in fact I never expected any of them to do this. My tears fell and I looked up to Jimin, his face softening as I spoke, "What about Tae, and the guys, how could you do this to them? To Taehyung..? I need him Jimin, please let's just go back, we can fix this" a terrible aura wafted around him, "Well tough luck Evelyn, I don't think you will be seeing him anytime soon, you're staying here with me." With that he stood up and left and cried my heart out.

Why me?


(idk baby I wish I knew)


Seokjin was worried about them all, Taehyung and Yoongi wouldn't eat the only thing on their mind was Evelyn and where in the world Jimin would take her. Namjoon was desperate trying to find all the ways to get to you.

He decided to make dinner and forced them all to eat and promised them that they would talk about places Jimin would normally go visit.

I made dinner then placed it on the table, Jeongguk and Hoseok made their way to the table but didn't start eating. I looked at them and sighed knowing that the rest wouldn't come.

I walked up the stairs and knocked on their rooms, "Guys, please, I've made dinner please come and eat." They both replied with a stern no. I was not having this so I raised my voice, "I don't care what you say come downstairs right now, I have something to tell you all." Taehyung and Yoongi groaned getting out of their rooms and went downstairs to the table as I smiled at them.

Now all I needed was to get Namjoon. I walked into his room to see him sleeping on his bed, with sheets of paper everywhere. I gently woke him up, "Namjoon, come downstairs and eat please I have something to tell you." He nodded his head as he rubbed his eyes, I smiled at him making my way to the table.

Namjoon reached the table and I spoke up, "Guys please stop stressing, I know we will find Evelyn, I deeply miss her, but we can't keep being like this she wouldn't like it so please eat" I was happy to see them eating so after dinner I put the dishes in to the kitchen and sat back down.

"Does anyone have any ideas on where Jimin might have taken her?" they all looked at me and said nothing until Hoseok had spoken, "Hyung, I have something to tell you, when Jimin was little his parents always used to argue and he didn't like witnessing it. So there was this old house Jimin used to run off to when his parents were arguing he told me that he visits the place now and then, he even fixed the house too, so he goes there because it makes him happy... Hyung, I think Jimin is in Busan."

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what they were hearing. Everyone was quiet because this was something Jimin never had told us but only told Hoseok.

My stomach continued growling and it seemed like Jimin didn't bring me any food. I was feeling sleepy so I laid my head on the pillow, covering myself with a blanket and drifted to sleep.

"Goodnight Tae..."


A/N- How are my angels doing?
Are you guys staying well??
Are you all eating well???
Please take care of yourselves!

I love you my Angels💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

I love you angels ♡

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