Chapter 3~Broken past

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Ahmed's POV.

Those light brown eyes were so beautiful.

They were unique and special.

They captured my whole attention.

They had so much love and happiness.


What a beautiful name.

I've never seen this girl around.

Probably because you never check out hijabis. My inner voice said.

I just feel like having her in my arms and protecting her.

Yesterday, I had to drop her home but obviously if I would ask her she would decline therefore I asked one of our drivers.

They came back and told me she didn't accept and she thought they mistook her for someone else.

Ugh, I should just forget her.

Stay the player that I am. Girls are all the same until you show them the gold.

Anyways, no one will truly love a man with a broken past and a broken heart who's caged by this horrible under world. The bad world.

If only I had my family with me.

If only I could've saved them.

But, I couldn't not even one person and they all died in front of my eyes.

Living with my cousin is nice but my uncle is hiding something. Like he isn't happy with me joining his family or being with them. Or he suspects me for being a bad guy.

I know it because he doesn't approach me, he doesn't talk to me and he doesn't look at me either. And this has been going on since my parents death.

I know he let me live with them because of auntie.

If she wouldn't insist, I would not have any other place to stay other than at the institute.

But, don't worry uncle soon I'll be gone forever and you'll never see my face again.

Anyway, pushing my old thoughts away I tried  to pay attention to the teacher.

But the only thing that comes in my mind is innocent looking face.


Here I am in the institute again.

Practising my fighting skills and hurting my knuckles to a point where they bleed but I couldn't care less.

Every time I fight, it reminds me of my past.

My ammi.


My behna(sister).

My baya(brother).

They are all gone.

Their death has made my life into hell.

What I'm doing is badI know, it's completely haram.

It's crazy because I never really was that much of a religious guy even though mom thought I was one.

I know what's wrong and what's bad but I still don't care.

It's for the good, I tell myself all the time. I'll never let the people who destroyed my life and took away my happiness alive.

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