Chapter 12~He Cares

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Fanaa's POV.

" what? " I don't get it.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble" he apologized.

"what are you talking about?" I asked still not getting it.

"thank you for understanding me everytime..."  he added.

At this point, I was just listening to what he was saying even though I had no idea what he was saying.

Suddenly, I felt his arms getting loose and that's when I realized he broke the hug.

I stepped back away from him breathing away my nervousness and the intense butterflies in my stomach.

"seriously you really have a problem touching me like this every time !" I said.

"is it hot in here?" He randomly asks.

"no...why?" I asked,

" your face is all red" he said.

I brought my hands to my face to feel the heat.

Was I blushing all this time?

Without wasting any more time, I turned around and left the room in a hurry.

I can't stay any longer with this guy.

Wait...shouldn't I asked him if he needs anything... Ah whatever! This place was suffocating anyways.


Salman's POV.

"so did you do what I asked you to do?"

"I tried but it wasn't really possible, that guy is always around her"

" so he really likes her that much" I threw away my can away in frustration.

I asked Jay to keep an eye on Fanaa while I couldn't always be around her.

I have enough evidence to confirm that this guy likes her which makes me furious.

"what are you going to do? Are you just going to let him have her're going to do something about it?" Jay asked me.

He won't have her. I'm not ever letting that happen.

"I don't care about this bastard as long  as Fanaa doesn't show a sign of liking him i'm fine"

I can't stand seeing them together everyday.

Even thought she keeps saying that they are just friends, I know it's not just a friendship we're talking about here when a guy looks at a girl the way he looks at her.

And I know Fanaa, she might fall for his fake charms soon therefore I can't let that happen.

"what makes you think he will ever stop going after her?" He asked.

"I know things that no one else knows all I can assure right now is that, if she gets to know about his true colours...she won't look at him ever again" I said.

"must be something big...alright bro let's get going now"

It is something really big, I can't believe he thinks no one knows about him.

Because I do and I won't wait a second to expose the truth if that makes me have back my girl.


Fanaa's POV.

Today, I have an exam in history and I think I will be able to do it. I mean like I'll probably pass it borderline.

Well, let's hope. Inshallah!

I was walking my way to school when I suddenly received a message notification on my phone.

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