Chapter 19~I'm in love

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Fanaa's POV.

I walked towards the school all happy about my successful interview.

I can't believe I'll be working. It's my first time and I can't wait.

I can't wait to tell this news to my cousins, Naina and Ahm-

I mean my cousins and Naina.

It's so hard to not think about him!

I get inside the school all happy and confident jumping on each step I took towards my locker.

I kept walking until I tripped which made me almost fall but I ended up in someone's arms.

Oh my Allah!

Who made me trip like that?

My heart was beating fast, I could've almost break my nose.

I moved away from the person and realized it was Ahmed. He was looking at me in a odd way.

I turned around to leave and met with Salma. She made me trip? Why would she do that to me?

She was smirking at me with pride. I can't believe this crazy girl.

I got into the girls bathroom and started washing my hands looking at myself in the mirror.

I'm tired of this. I'm at the peak of it.

I was looking at my reflection and trying to see in which way was I a bad person who was getting treated this way.

I will not let myself get treated this way.

I'm Fanaa.

Not a playing ball. I'll show her what I'm made of.

Anger was boiling in me and I just wanted to cry but I couldn't let this weak part of mine destroy me.

I got out of the washroom and went straight to my locker.

Ahmed was standing there. I opened my locker pretending he didn't exist.

I took my stuff and closed back the locker turning around only to get caught by my arm. I turned and pushed his hand away.

"Don't touch me" I firmly said.

I turned on my side to leave but he came in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern.

"Could you please move? I'm getting late for class" I said.

"Aren't you going to say hi to me? we haven't been talking for while" he said.

"I'm getting late please move" I repeated.

He really is making me go crazy.

"What's wrong with you? And why are you mad at me?" He asked.

"Let's talk about this later for now I'm busy" I said.

"You're not busy Fanaa you always have time for your friends" damn it. He knows me too well.

"Okay let's stop this Ahmed...let's just stop pretending that we care for each other I'm getting tired of it aren't you?"I asked him although it was a complete lie. I do care for him, a lot actually.

I know I'm just making excuses but I just want him to not talk to me or approach me.

I can't play around anymore.


During the whole class I couldn't pay attention. I was so rude to him.

It might've hurt him so bad. I know I'm dumb.

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