Chapter 8~The first Hug

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Fanaa's POV.

I am freaking out!

Something is definitely wrong with me. I can't stop thinking about Ahmed. Like, nonstop. It's like he had invaded my peace of mind and I only see him everywhere.

I felt like Ahmed has become a complete different person. As if, we weren't just friend anymore.

How did he manage to pick me up and not break his legs?

Why does he act so oddly towards me?

Am I overthinking?

This never happened to me before. And I really don't remember ever playing with a little boy having charming hazel blue eyes as a kid.

I even noticed something even more odd. Ahmed was no similar to aunty and uncle.

Are they really his parents or...? what I am I even thinking?

Overall, it's getting too haram. He shouldn't ever touched me like that the other day and I shouldn't ever have let him. I hate myself for letting my guards down.

We might be good friends but it should stay like that. Nothing else.

But...I don't know...something feels weird in me. What I am feeling?


I was making my way down to the living room. I joined to help ammi serve chai to Abbu.

Ammi brought the tray of chai in the living room and served Abbu, Farah herself and I before taking a seat on the couch.

I was enjoying my chai while being lost in my thoughts when suddenly ammi called my name.

"yes ammi?" I replied.

"Do you know Ahmed?" she asks out of the blue.

" I do...why?" Why is she randomly asking me that?

"Are you guys friends?" she proceeded to ask.

"Remember when I got a 98% in a project?" I told her.

She nodded.

"we were teamed up together and that's when I got to knew him" I said.

"Oh I see" this is weird.

"he is really nice ammi" I added.

"I don't doubt that" she confirmed.

Abbu places his cup on the living room table and looks at me.

" careful" he said.

"Huh?" Okay, what's the deal?

"Meri Jaan, you should be careful and if there's something going on between you guys you might as well tell me" he said.


Are they suspecting me? And what should I be carful about ? I'm so confused.

"What do you mean Abbu? we are just friends" I said.

"It's okay but never hide anything from us I won't accept that" he said.

I got up and went to sat beside him while taking his hands in mine.

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