Chapter 22~ My dear bestfriend

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Ahmed's POV.

"You guys can't forget for who you work and for what. You can't forget. Don't let your personal matters get in the way. Because when the time will come and you will all have to fight,these weaknesses will be used against you and you will loose..." Mustafa's new assistant was giving a big speech.

I wasn't listening at all. He says the same thing every time.

Sometimes I just wanna punch him in the face to make him shut up.

Mustafa had to stop attending us in many things.

He needed to take a little break and take care of himself while staying in contact to his gang.

That's why he has an assistant.

He did ask me at first if I want it to take it over but...

How can I take care of the gang when I can't even take care of myself?

The meeting ended and we got dismissed. I got out of the institute and walked to my car.

But before getting in I took a cigarette out lighting it and smoked it.

Images of her broken self flashes through my mind.

I haven't forgotten her. Not even for a second.
The moment I left her I was completely lost.

I didn't broke off everything only because of what her cousin told me.

It was more because the gangs knew. She had become the target and I had to leave.

I thought no matter what happens, I'll never leave her.

But I had forgotten that I couldn't just believe that it was possible.

After her accident, things went out of control and I was putten first in question.

So I had to prove that I had the right to keep her. I left Canada and I was sent in the States.

After some series of dealing with businesses, fighting and getting to know some people I got a higher place in the gang.

A really high place. I'm not the old Ahmed at all.

All of that happened but I didn't left school because I needed to grow in the society as well.

I graduated in the states, did two years of college and now I'm a part of a business company in Canada.

How come?

Well you gotta keep the ties to have many open doors.

Big people kept telling me that I was really smart for my age.

I didn't believed them I only believed in myself and Fanaa...

The only girl that knew how smart I was and how much potential I had.

I came back here a few weeks ago from a business trip and now I'm looking for her.

I did look for her a long time ago.

In fact as soon as I had the chance but I can't believe no one could help me.

In the business world everybody believes money is the power.

I believe some things can't be acquired even if you put money on the line.

I asked my bodyguards to search, I asked my gang members but no one could find her.

Did she left the country?

I don't think so because her parents still live here.

After smoking, I got in my Jeep and drove off.

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