Chapter 28~A killer?

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Ahmed's POV.

Fanaa ran away as soon as she got out of the car and now I can't find her anywhere.

She might not care but I care. A lot.

I'm scared someone might harm her, hurt her or even more.

I can't let her be like that. It's not safe at all.

She's the wife of a member of the mafia.

She can't play around like it's a game or else it'll become one. But of course she doesn't know that.

I looked at my watch and realized it's been twenty minutes since I lost her.

I was loosing patience and I was...scared.

Scared of loosing her again, scared that something might've happened to her and mostly scared that...she disappears.

I saw her cousin talking to Amal and that's when I thought maybe he would know.

I was about to go to him when I was stopped midway by Fanaa's father.

"Asalamualykum sir" I said.

"call me abbu"

"Abbu" I repeated.

"is Fanaa okay? I know she might be really mad at us right now but don't worry she's soft hearted she will surely understand you and the choice I've made for her" he reassured.

"I hope so" I am in desparation that she might never accept me.

"you will take good care of her won't you?" He asked.

"I'll do anything for her, anything" I stated.

"good, what about your gang you already left right?" he said his eyes clearly showing that he is expecting it to be right.

"I did" I lied.

I know I shouldn't lie but I don't have much of a choice for now.

I need Fanaa and I don't want her father to take her away from me to protect her because I might be too harmful for his daughter. Because I know I can protect her well if she trusts me. She's my everything.

While he was explaining to me his way of how I should announce that I am his daughter's husband, I was keeping an eye Amal and Sofia.

"take good care and we'll talk later" he said  before walking away.

As soon as he left, I walked up to them and immediately asked "where is she?"

"What are you talking about?" Amal asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" I can clearly tell he knows.

"we don't know what you're talking about" her cousin replied.

"We don't know where Fanaa is" Amal confirmed.

Do they take me for a fool?

I grabbed his collar and dragged him out in the garden.

I took my gun out and pointed it to his head asking again once again "where is she?"

His eyes were filled with fear. He couldn't utter a word.

Sofia came running out. She stared at us for a while before she stepped in front of him.

"You won't dare" she said.

"You think I wouldn't?" I asked.

"You won't because you know who's going to hate you for the rest of your life" she said.

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