Chapter 42~Stars

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Ahmed's POV.

I'm taking her to see the stars tonight.

I've been planning on surprising her with it since I felt like we don't really go on many dates together.

I just didn't get the time to do it.

But tonight I'll show her my secret place.

Yesterday was really something.

I never thought something like this would happened.

I thought Salma was good and safe although she can be evil, I know that her heart is good.

But when she collapsed in my arms I seriously got confused and extremely worried.

Salma is just like a little sister to me.

I know it's not right to say that after what we both went through and after dating a bit but it's really how I felt about her.

People may think we loved each other insanely and all but no, me and her we both knew we couldn't do more than just be good friends.

She was desperate to have me as her boyfriend in high school because of the bully and the mean people she would meet.

She was too scared and weak to let anyone else break her again so she asked for this favor and I accepted.

Trust is, we touched, we kissed but that was about it.

For people to think that she was my whore was a big lie.

She never was and she would never be.

I hated her so that she could stop interfering into my life.

I was in love with Fanaa.

And they didn't like each other much.

But last night, she confessed something and I can't help but to feel sorry for her and to somehow help her.

The white tigers are really never going to give up.

Mostly, Carl.

I know he hates me a lot but I hate him much more, I'm just not turning crazy like him.

She asked me to keep it a secret from everyone even Fanaa but I don't know if I'll be able to keep it from her...

I've been already keeping so much from her and now that she witnessed what happened last night she obviously will want some explanations.

I brought Salma to an hotel for her to stay a bit safe and sound there.

I could've let her stay at our place but it just didn't seem right and I didn't want to create misunderstandings.

I asked one of my man to keep an eye on her so that meanwhile I can try to think of doing something.

I'll be seeing her sometimes to see if  she's okay and I'll ask her if I can tell Fanaa.

I hope I'll be able to change Fanaa's mind a bit and make her feel at ease.

"how long do we have to keep going? my legs are about to give up" she says as we keep walking on the slope.

This mountain is pretty big and tiring to climb but when you get up there, the view is crazy to see.

"were almost there, I can pick you up if you want?" I ask her.

"are you crazy? You tryna break your back?" she said breathing harshly.

In a few minutes we'll be on top.

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