Chapter 13~It's Just The Beginning

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Ahmed's POV.

"yes sir I'm here" I said arriving in the conference room where everyone was waiting for me.

"now that Ahmed is here we can start our meeting" Mustafa said looking at us with his serious stare.

"so as you guys know our two young guys here have just been back from their mission that was in Ontario and this is their state" he said.

They clearly failed the mission. They had been beaten up real bad.

"their mission was simply to keep an eye on the white tigers for a while and bring us back any kind of news obviously if they had some and unfortunately they got caught" he explained.

Just by hearing the name my fists are clenching.

"they got beated up but still were able to bring us the news" he added.

What kind of news this could be?

"and here is their upcoming plan, they are planning a shooting at exactly 9am and once the place will be evacuated they will take the goods from there and then move"

Obviously, they never do anything for good.

"it's a good thing that they aren't too far and we will be able to stop them"

Wait...isn't it where the school trip takes place?

What if Fanaa gets hurt? I'll never forgive myself.

"who's taking a part in this ?" Mustafa proceeded to ask.

I got up immediately. I will go there and protect her.

"I'll lead the mission and I'll go with Zayn and Carlos" I stated.

"Okay, you guys are good to go then" he agreed.

After the meeting, I was about to make my way out of there just to be stopped by my boss.

"I know exactly why you want to go there Ahmed" he says out of the blue.

I didn't know what to say.

"Ahmed, I don't have a problem with you going there because of that girl-"

"how do you know about her?" I cut him off.

"your boys kept talking about how you were strangely falling for a girl" he said.

I had a feeling they wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut for too long.

"and I don't have a problem with you liking someone but keep her away from all of this. if you don't, you already know the consequences that comes along" he reminded me.

" I know" I said.

"good "

I got out of the meeting room and made my way out of the institute hoping I'd see Carlos and Zayn.

"hey! You bastards!" I yelled at them smoking near the institute.

When they saw me they threw the cigarettes away and stood correctly.

"you guys seriously have no shame huh? Talking about Fanaa in the whole institute so that even the boss gets to know about it" I said slightly punching their arm.

" It wasn't me I swear it was Carlos!" Zayn said pointing him.

" come on amigo! You know I'm the loyal one here"he said not sounding worried at all.

"I'm loyal too!" Zayn replied.

"well I'm more loyal amigo"

"I am MORE!"

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