Chapter 37~Scared

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Naina's POV.

"oh my god and remember when we went to that trip in high school!"

"that was one of the best ones" added Fanaa laughing.

I know I should've told her before coming to see her but my anger didn't give me to chance too.

I was so mad.

Like so mad.

Rahman and I had an argument on something really dumb and on top of that Sofia called me to announce me everything that happened.

I just couldn't sit at home pretending like I was good.

I had to come and see her.

I'm so glad and relieved that nothing is too serious and that Ahmed didn't disappoint.

I was 100% sure he was behind all of this.

Turned out to be, he's the hero.

Anyways, Fanaa seems to be happy and that's what matters.

"where's Ahmed?" asks Rahman.

"he had something to do so he left" says Fanaa.


"oh okay! And what about Salman is he joining us?" he adds.

"We should call him here too let's join and have fun all of us" I say.

I miss our squad.

And he's the only one missing.

"Fanaa call him!" I tell her.

If she calls him he'll come for sure.

"okay sure!" she dials his number and wait for him to answer.

"he isn't responding" she says.

What is this guy even doing?

We almost never hear about him.

"it's okay we can still have fun nah?" Fanaa says.


"should I order pizza?!" she asks.

"oh hell yeah!"

"great idea!" adds Rahman

Suddenly Fanaa's phone ring.

Probably Salman.


The next thing that happened left us in shock and in fear.

Fear of what might have happen.

Fanaa dropped her phone and looks at us with her eyes getting teary as she speaks.

"Rahman,Naina... I have to go.."

"Fanaa what's wrong?" I ask her.

She gets up and runs to her room.

I run after her and keep asking her what's going on?

She takes some clothes gets in the bathroom.

I bang on the door.

"Fanaa! Are you okay?! What's wrong!"

After a while she opens the door in her clothes changed.

"we need to go to the hospital now!" she says.

She runs out of the room and still run after her.

"Rahman you have a car?!"

"yes?! What's going on?!"

"pass them to me" she orders him.

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