Chapter 23~She changed

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Fanaa's POV.

I arrived three days ago in Montreal with Amal.

I fell in the loving arms of my family. It has been such a long time that they didn't even recognized me at first.

I couldn't even mistake them for someone else. Amal was greeted with a lot of love and teasing.

That's what happens when you bring a guy into a family of only sisters.

Farah and I bought a couple dresses.

When I saw her trying on dresses I almost had tears in my eyes.

Because my big sis grew up so fast and she was about to spend the rest of her life with a man she truly loves.

Tonight, she'll be lawfully his wife.

I can't wait to see her smile. I also can't wait to see everyone. I know my cousins are impatiently waiting for me.

Naina texted me saying that I betrayed her because I left her and I'm only coming back now.

Her message made me laugh. She can be so cute sometimes.

My dad is... a little mad.

He didn't want me to do everything on my own. He wasn't happy with my college choice either. But I really wanted to and I couldn't stay here.

I know he still loves me and he is actually happy because after all he's my dad.

I was getting ready for the wedding announcement party.

I wore a white lenga(Pakistani dress) that was looking pretty good. A white hijab and black heels. These heels are definitely going to kill me because I'm so not used to it.

There was still an hour left before the party. I decided to put on my black hoodie on top. Yes, I'm still obsessed.

I got out of my room and went to see Amal. I made it to his door step and knocked.

"You're ready?" I asked even if the door stayed closed.

"Yeah just a minute" he replied.

After like twenty minutes, he finally got out. This guy for real.

"You take longer than a girl to get ready I hope you know that" I commented.

"Oh please it takes time to look this good you know"

"Oh really? must be why you look like a clown" I replied before walking away.

"Hey! come back here! How dare you!" He followed me.

"At least I don't look like a man" he said to me sticking his tongue out.

"aw I'm hurt" this could keep on going. We both refuse to loose.

"don't lie—you're unbreakable" he rolled his eyes just like I do.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" he added.

"You'll I look like the wedding planner to you? come on let's go check up on my sister" I suggested.

"you must be really excited for her"

"I really am" I confirmed.

"you look good Fanaa" he finally complimented me.

"thanks that's sweet of you buddy" I said sounding sarcastic.

"Come on! Aren't you even going to compliment me back?" he exclaimed.

"Fine fine you look..."I took a quick look at him.

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