Chapter 43~ I Don't Know.

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Fanaa's POV.

I arrived at the hotel called "Royal Hotel".

What a fancy name for a hotel!

I get in and as expected it's really shiny and fancy.

Giving me a rich people vibe.

I walk to the reception and the lady standing is really pretty.

It was an Asian girl with the perfect skin and the clean and neat outfit.

She seemed really nice as soon as she saw me, she showed me her perfect smile.

There was a guy behind her going through some files and he was as perfect good looking as her.

Wow the person hiring these people knows what to look for in a person that can work in such a gorgeous place.

"welcome to Royal Hotel mam how may I help you today?"she asks getting me out of my thoughts.

I clear my throat before asking
" ah yes! Is there a room book here on the name of Ahmed Khan? "

" I'm sorry I will have to ask you, are you this person's relative? "

" yes I'm his wife" I say.

"alright can you let me know this person's phone number please?"

I give her Ahmed's phone number and she confirms that he's on the third floor, room number 310.

She gives me a card to get inside the room as I told her I want it to surprise him.

I took the elevator and got up there.

Thank god they have an elevator because I would never be able to climb so many stairs.

I walk through the hall and finally get to the door.

I was about to pass the card but then I thought, Salma is also here what if they're having a serious conversation and I just barg in like that? It would be kind of disrespectful nah?

I'll just knock.

I knock 3 times but no one responds.

What are they doing inside that they can't even hear someone knocking?


Without waisting anymore time I pass the card and the door opens.

I get inside and walk slowly. There was a bathroom beside me as soon as I got in.

I kept walking and...

The view in front of me made my knees weak and my hands slowly started shaking.

I felt my heart beating fast and my eyes could not believe it.

I blink a couple times as I still can't believe this.

My mouth got wide, I want it to yell, I want it wake them up and yell.

I want it to let out the frustration and pain that was strongly growing inside of me.

A pain that was worst than anything else.

A pain of betray and deceiving.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I tried to stop myself from doing so.

So this was all about it?

This is trust?

This is belief?

This is love?

Is this the result of building a home for each other piece by piece...?

Eventually my knees gave up and I fell on the floor.

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