Chapter 27~ Drama

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Fanaa's POV.

It's been a week. A week since I've been at his place.

The only human I've been seeing frequently is the maid. I had no idea having maids in this era was still a thing. It makes me uncomfortable.

I have so many questions to ask him.

But, I didn't see him once after that hug.

Great hubby. Note the sarcasm.

I don't know where he is and I don't even want to know. I just want to get out of here.

After all...I just want to leave.

Him being in love with me is one thing but to kidnap me is a another insane thing and not to forget that he's also my husband. It's just too much to take in.

I'm not ready for this and I just...I don't see myslef like that not yet.

For now, I need to find a way to get out of this room.

But how am I suppose to open this locked door?

I got into his big closet. It was like a mini room. So many clothes were hanging perfectly side by side. How many does he own?

Getting in his closet only made me wonder about more things.

Does he own this house? What does he even do in life?

I'm so clueless.

A box was placed in the middle of the mini closet which caught my attention.

What is that?

I grabbed it with both of my hands and brought it out of the closet placing it on the bed. It's a bit heavy.

Curiosity made me open it and find out that it was filled with clothes for women.

What the...?

Who is that for?

They were all new and branded which also meant that the price of these was insanely high.

He must be insane.

How about I ruin these expensive clothes?

Serves him right for messing with me. Also, I'm tired of wearing the same clothes.

I chose a pair of blue skinny jeans along with a black dress on top. I grabbed a white scarf and loosely wrapped it around my head.

I placed the box back into the closet and took a hanger with me.

Now, this a trick I used to do when my sisters and I would have a fight and they would lock me in their room.

Using my strength, I tried to unfold the hanger into a straight metal bar.

Then, I made my way to the door and inserted the metal bar into the hole that was in the knob. This has to work.

After a couple of tries I made it! Yes!

It felt so relieving to finally be out of this room.

I quickly and quietly made my way downstairs.

I was sure I had find out how to get out of here when something caught my eye.

He owns a pool?! An indoor pool?!

I was fascinated. I always wanted to have an inside pool when I was a little girl.

Because I didn't know how to swim and I was embarrassed in front of others. I always wished to have one so that I could learn and also enjoy as well.

I don't fear the water in fact I love it but I never dared.

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