Chapter 7~Soulmate?

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Ahmed's POV.

Heading to Zayn's house I kind of felt uninvited.

Not that he doesn't like me or something, it's just that his parents are the strict ones and they don't want him hanging out with me because I am labeled a bad influence to them.

Oh they really don't know who I am.

Once I arrived at his doorstep, I pressed the doorbell as Zayn immediately opened up.

"hey man! what brings you here?"he asked bro hugging me.

"hey I'm here to see you and just talk" I awkwardly said. It's not everyday that I do this.

"come in" he said.

"your parents are here?" I asked just to make sure.

"You think I'd let you in if they were?" he asked in an obvious way.

I got inside as we made it to the living room. I sat on one of the couches and he sat right across me on the other couch.

"so tell me what's going on?" he asked.

"my feelings are confusing me" I confessed.

I explained everything that was going on in my head since I saw Fanaa. I was hoping for an intense reaction but he was rather cool and he didn't seem impressed at all.

"I don't believe you" he said.

" what why?" I don't get it.

"just kidding! honestly you wanna know what's going on?" he said.

I nodded.

"you're in love with her" he stated.

Well, I was kind of expecting it to be honest.

" how do I make it the halal way? she's like a practicing muslim and all...?" I asked.

"there no way" he said chuckling.

"how come?" I asked.

Even if I'm not a good muslim myself Fanaa is one and I'm ready to do anything for her.

He brought his arm up and placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.

"having a boyfriend in Islam is haram" he stated. it actually? Like, totally forbidden?

"okay but...I've already dated other muslim girls " how is that possible?

"yeah well...I guess it's not easy for everyone to follow the right path but bro...she literally wears a hijab. there is no way she will accept this." he honestly said.

On a serious note though, am I really planning on asking her out when I keep thinking that she doesn't deserve a guy like me?

"there must be a way" I still insisted.

"yeah okay sure...get married!" he said laughing.

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