Chapter 33~Birthday Present

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Salman's POV.

"so you guys are finally getting married huh?" I teased Ahmed. No one thought we could ever get along but here we are.

" yeah well I mean we were from a long time ago but now it's being official to everyone" he confirmed.

" what do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean...yeah bro it's happening" he sounded weird but I trusted him now.

"I pray the best for you guys" I said smiling.

I'm truly happy for them.

I still think of myself as a stupid guy for running after Fanaa for a long time in the past and trying to get in the way of her feelings.

When I finally gave up, I was upset but I knew I did the right thing.

It's true that I can like her. But, I can't force her to love me.

I was too young to realize it and to make the right choices but now I'm all grown up and I'm glad Fanaa is happy.

"thanks buddy" he said.

" also I was told to tell you to come have a look at the-"

"why is it so long?!" Nains barged into the room without knocking.

"what are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Ask this to yourself! How many times did I text you? why aren't you replying?" she was almost yelling at me.

I checked my phone and saw a bunch of unread messages from her.

"Why would you send me so many messages?" I asked her.

"seriously? We are suppose to surprise Fanaa! Have you totally forgotten that today is her mariage and tomorrow her birthday?" she asked me dumbstruck.

Oh damn! I totally forgot.

" yeah...I remember but-"

"Wait what?" I forgot Ahmed was still on the line.

Don't tell me he also forgot.

"I was hoping you out of everyone would not forget at least" she said rolling her eyes.

"it's her birthday tomorrow? Oh shit." he said rubbing his neck.

" you- you must be kidding me" Naina was not having it.

" Okay just get ready and as soon as you're ready come downstairs" I said before following Naina.

We made our way downstairs in the living room where everyone else was.

All o Fanaa's cousins and friends were here as well as Ahmed's friends.

"I brought him guys! What's the plan?" Naina asked the others.

"Easy thing. Honeymoon" Zayn unexpectedly said. It was hard to hold in my laugh.

"I think that's already something Fanaa's parents are gifting them" I said.

"anybody else got an idea?"Naina asked again.

" I do!" Amal joined us.

I totally forgot he was also here.

"You're late" Naina told him.

" my bad. as you all know Fanaa loves watching movies and tv shows" he began to say.

"So I thought about all of us recreating some of her favourite bollywood movie scene" he proposed.

That's actually a good idea.

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