Chapter 4~Stranger

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Fanaa's POV.

During weekends ammi makes me clean and work like a maid.

I clean the dishes, I do the laundry, I prepare diner and many more duties.

I'm sure I ended loosing a bit of weight.

When I ask her why does she make me suffer she says " it's for your futur".

And I already know getting married, making kids and ending up being a housewife.

I DON'T want that.

I want to become something. I want people to be proud of me and I want to work.

Even if I do clean, I don't do it to end up like that it's rather for myself.

Once I'm done cleaning, I get in my room to pray.

Then I get in my pyjamas and I start to just think of random things.

Such as my life, my family, my friends, my food, my favourite actors and the thing I hate the most : my insecurities.

It's like I wear a mask on my face.

I don't tell anyone about them. I pretend as if I love my life but in reality sometimes I hate my body, I hate my face, I hate myself.

But then, mom tells me to pray and read the Quran and all these negative thoughts disappear.

While I was thinking in my head, sleep slowly came to me.



Alright! shut up stupid alarm! It's been bothering me for about ten freaking minutes now!

I shut the alarm off and buried my face in my pillow again.

Ugh, so exhausting.

My alarm starts to ring again however I finally decided to get up.

Once I'm up, I do my everyday routine and unfortunately not wearing a hoodie.

Mom made me promise that I have to wear something more girly and she even said that Salman will like it.

She really is pissing me off to the core. Always talking about him 24/7.

Anyways, I wore a pair of white jeans with a black dress that comes down to my knees. May I add that the details on them were really pretty.

After eating my breakfast quickly, I ran out for school.


Ugh guess what.

I'm about to die right now.

I'm going to work with the new dude but guess who's the lovely rajkumar?(prince)


I can't believe it!

At least we're not that much of strangers.

But still, I don't want to!

"okay guys get in teams and start the work!" the teacher added before finishing talking.

Yeah! Sarcasm.

I got up from my chair with the paper work and get to his desk while taking a seat beside him.

Alright Fanaa, you can do this. It's just a project!

I think he is lost in his thoughts because he isn't saying anything nor is he looking in my direction.

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