Chapter 18~New job

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Fanaa's POV.

I couldn't sleep after what happened.

To whom was he confessing like that all of a sudden?

Does he really has to make a scene everytime he gets drunk? And make me even more confuse?

That's it! I'm not talking to him anymore. I'll be ignoring him until he stops acting this way.

Like seriously, I can't take it no more.

I don't know how he's going to act again this time. Things are surely getting get out of control.


Naina's POV.

I can't stop thinking about Ahmed and Fanaa.

I never thought that one day Fanaa, my dear best friend would ever feel shy around a guy.

Fanaa never had any interest in any guy before. But literally, when Ahmed arrived she changed.

She doesn't seem to realize it but I know her and I see it clearly.

I can totally tell that she likes it when he's around her and when he's not she acts different.

I don't miss the old Fanaa because her personality hasn't changed. She still makes jokes, plays around and acts dumb.

However, emotionally I know there is something different.

When I talked to Rahman about it, he said that it's all Allah's plan.

He thinks Fanaa has always been a great girl therefore for her to feel that way is definitely new.

Ah, he's such a nice guy.

That's why I like him so much.

I know, I shouldn't be because I'm still very young but everything happens for a reason and I can't help but let my heart beat a little more every time he gets a little closer to me.

No matter what Fanaa thinks or says I will support her but I've set myself a goal.

Confirm Ahmed's feelings towards Fanaa!


We got on the bus to get back to our hometown. It's sad, I wanted to stay a little more.

But anyway, we had a great time overall.

As soon as I got on the bus, Fanaa grabbed my arm stopping me from going any further.

"We are sitting together no matter what" she stated.

Why is she being this way?

"Aren't we supposed to sit where the teachers assigned us to sit?" I asked her.

"I don't care I'm not sitting with Ahmed" she said.

"Why? Fanaa are you sure you slept well last night?" I asked her.

"Ladies! Stop talking and advance other students are waiting!" the teacher interrupted us.

"Actually...I haven't even slept at all" she said pushing me to advance.

I took my seat as she sat beside me.

" what about Rahman?" I asked her.

"Oh please, you're always with him you won't die not seeing him for a few hours!" she exclaimed.

I saw Ahmed getting in while looking around. He's probably looking for her.

"Ahmed is here" I told her.

She suddenly took out her phone and pretended to be busy with it.

She is avoiding him. Something must be wrong.

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