Chapter 31~ Too easily

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Fanaa' s POV.

I was in the kitchen searching for some food when I felt Ahmed coming towards me.


I decided to ignore him. I've made my decision to not let him in anymore. I don't want all of this to go this way.

To be honest, I'm scared of being hurt.

Hurt in so many ways.

For the first time, I feel like he's hiding things from me. Bad things. And I don't want that.

I was supposed to give him another chance and he was supposed to prove himself with his actions.

Truth is...I love him.

And I feel insecure that because I love him I might not see through what's going on.

I just feel like going to ammi and telling her all my worries so she could help me.

I don't want to be in this house with him alone not knowing if I actually belong here.

"What?" I asked still looking in the fridge.

" tonight you'll be seeing your family"

I dropped the apple I just grabbed.

Yes! Thank you so much Allah!

"thanks for letting me know" I picked up the apple and then ran to our room to look for some clothes.

I was looking for something simple and easy to wear when it popped in my head.

I have to call Naina!

I feel like it's been forever since I've talked to her. And all my other cousins!

If I'm seeing my family I also want to see the whole squad as well. I need to call her.

He has my phone though.

I suddenly had a flashback to that day in his car.

Ugh! I just got chills!

You gotta keep it cool Fanaa!

Okay but what do I do? I need to call them.

I'll just ask him politely. That should be enough.

I got out of the closet and then as soon as I opened the door to leave the room he was just standing there.

I stopped and took a step back to keep distance.

"Are you okay?" he asked suddenly.

"Yeah um... can I have my phone back please?"I asked.

He gets in the room, walks up to his bed and open his drawer. He takes out my phone and gives it to me.


I'm glad he gave it come he's not asking what I'll do with it?

" thanks" I said turning to leave when he grabbed my arm turning me to him and hugging me.

He held me so tightly.

"I love you Fanaa" he said out of the blue.

I could feel my heart beating fast.

Why so suddenly?

" uh...I have to make a call" I said getting in the bathroom quickly before locking the door.


Ahmed's POV.

I'm happy our relationship is about to go publicly.

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