Chapter 14~Jessica

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Ahmed's POV.

I wasn't planning on going to this stupid trip.

To me, it's useless.

But the mission is important and so is Fanaa. I usually don't stress over the missions given to us.

But this time, I have to protect Fanaa and...I'm scared that something might happen to her. Even if she gets one scrash I will blame myself.

On the bus earlier, she would've have fallen if i wasn't to be there. And I can't believe the teacher teamed us to sit together.

I mean it's really great, I get to spend time with her, protect her but she..seems really pissed off.

Why though?

Does she hates me for something that I have done?

Or is it just her being her and stubborn?

I stared at her looking at the views outside peacefully as if no one was around.

"you really enjoy looking at the views don't you" I said.

"yeah I enjoy it" she said without looking at me.

I swear to god I can't stop looking at her. I really wish I could just...hold her right now. It's like we're currently so close yet so far.

She turned to me realizing I was staring at her but as if I was crazy this time she was trying to find something.

When she looks at me like this...she really doesn't know what my heart goes through.

"Okay guys! I'm passing the lunch it's already passed 12 so please when you're done keep any kind of garbage with yourselves we'll pick them afterwards" the teacher announced.

"finally ! I was craving food !" she said in relief.

She gets exited for food. Adorable.


Fanaa's POV.

Why is he literally just staring into my soul for like the past three hours??

How am I supposed to act normal when he just looks at me like that?

I was busy eating my food. Honestly, when I'm eating nothing can come in my way. It's just me and my food. Nothing else matters.

'"It would be so nice to see you being this focused in your studies too" I almost choked.

"what!!" how dare he?

"I'm just saying and it's true" he said smirking.

Is he looking for a death wish?

"Don't mess around with me when i'm eating Ahmed and by the way you really sounded like my mom" I said giving him a death glare.

"I think we both know who's scared of who here right" he said approaching his face close to mime and whiping away something I didn't notice I had on my cheek.

"Don't start a war you know you will loose" I added.



Whatever i'm just going to eat pretending he doesn't exist as I've been doing since the beginning.


When we arrived at the fancy hotel, it got pretty late around 5pm therefore we all got separated in teams of 4 to sleep in the rooms.

I was paired with Naina, Sofia and Jessica. That's nice at least I'm with my cousin and best friend.

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