Chapter 21~The New me

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Fanaa's POV.

I restarted school a week ago.

I couldn't believe that so many people were worried about me. Teachers were being a bit too kind to me as well.

I am fine alhamdullilah. But my heart was really not at peace. It was so bothered.

Because the person I expected to see the most didn't show up even for once.

I remember the last day that I stayed at the hospital I kept looking at the door. Hoping he might show up.

I thought maybe he's pulling a prank or he wants to surprise me but none of it happened.

My patience was just useless.

Naina kept me good company and helped me revise what I missed. Thanks to her and also my cousins. They were all so caring and nice to me.

Salman restarted his lovey dovey jokes, it entertained me and made me remember old good memories that I missed.

Although a part of me was falling apart. I felt like I wanted to stop everything and just find him. I needed him as soon as possible.

As for my job, my dad strictly stopped me from going out of the house. I need to be back home right after school. No more playing around. I get it, he is worried about me.

I was making my way out of school at the end of the day feeling a little tired. It's lately how I am.

As I made my way outside, I felt a cold breeze touching me making me shiver. I walked away when a figure made me stop in my tracks.

I could recognize the back of a tall figure who had a leather jacket on. The person was leaning on their motorcycle. It felt familiar.

I wanted to take my chances and see if it might be him.

I walked to him and called his name because the familiar feeling that I had took over me.

"Ahmed.." it almost came out as a whisper.

The person immediately turned around to me revealing Ahmed. I looked away letting out a deep breath of shock and betray.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He wasn't saying anything. Is he for real?

"Are you going to talk to me? do you know how worried and scared I was? I was waiting this whole time for you and here you are? Chilling on your motorcycle enjoying life?"I was letting out my frustration on him.

"I am tired of this shit already...let's just end is..." he said.

I was shook. I wasn't expecting this kind of answer. What is actually wrong with him?

"What?..What are you saying? it doesn't make sense..." I was so confused.

Nothing was currently making sense.

"It makes sense" he confirmed.

"You don't... like me anymore?" I dared to ask.

"that's right" he confirmed as I could already feel my tears making their way out.

"that's right? can you at least explain yourself?! Come on explain yourself!" I grabbed him by the arms shaking him. I was asking him for explanations. I just wanted him to tell me that he was kidding but I was again expecting too much.

He pushed my hands away from him.

"I'm over you Fanaa! I'm tired of always running after you of always thinking about you and caring while all this time you only cared about your selfish self and about your own feelings! you never cared for me nor did you ever liked me for me! you were just like the other girls....only for my money and looks.." he said his eyes bloodshot, his veins showing out from his neck and forehead.

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