Chapter 25~A first kiss

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Amal's POV.

I didn't know what to say or do anymore.

Am I the only one who thinks I'm missing out on some things?

Like some serious things. I need explanations like ASAP.

So appearently now I'm Fanaa's fiancee.

Damn that's ...crazy!

"What?!"I couldn't help but to freak.

She turned back to me after lying to Ahmed and then grabbed my arm.

This is so weird. The Fanaa that can't stand me always being around her is holding onto me.

At the same time, I was still wondering why she's sad. Why was she crying?

"He's mine" she said looking at him and then at me winking.

The hell is going on?

"You must be kidding right?" he asked her.


"Does this look like a thing to be kidding about? let's go" what is she trying to prove or show off?

"You're going to regret it Fanaa"he said to her.

"Whatever" she whispered to herself.

When we made it somewhere away from him she eventually left my arm.

"Ugh!" she placed her hands on her hips in frustration.

"You good?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" that's a lie.

"Then can you tell me what the hell is going on?!" I asked dying to know.

I love being overdramatic.

"Chill I'll tell you" she took a deep breath.

"Whatever happened was just a play okay?" she said.

"I don't get it. Why?" I asked.

"I was just pretending and you need to help me"

"How am I suppose to do that?" I asked confused.

"Everytime he's around let's pretend we are together. We don't have to be lovey dovey but let's just...act like a couple"

"But why?"

"Just because!"

"But why?" I need to know why.

"Because I don't like him! he broke my freaking heart when I just started to have feelings for him! And now...he wants me back out of nowhere and I can't stand it. I was all good before he showed up and I need him to understand that I am good without him." she exclaimed.

"Okay...let's do it" I agreed.

"I'm sorry I just's just...I hate talking about him" she apologized.

"It's okay I was insisting but...can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"Why did Rahman swore you guys were going to get back together?" I asked curious.

"We don't and we will never—he's just a player and I was dumb to fall for him. Are you sure you can help me out?" she asked.

" if it helps you—yeah I'll do it" I agreed.

"Thank you. now go back to the men's side" she said leaving.

"See y'a!" I said.

Damn. Fanaa in love. I never thought about that.

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