Chapter 24~Comeback of the devil

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Fanaa's POV.

I won't let him in anymore. If he thinks I actually care about him he's so wrong.

My mind is bothering me on another level right now. I just can't understand why he is back.

Okay, he's here to attend the wedding and all but why does he has to talk to me? Or even try to get near me?

I thought I wasn't important to him. I thought I was too selfish and too dumb for him.

He's just making me even more uncomfortable then I already was. I wanted to enjoy today but now I just want this to end as soon as possible so that I can stop seeing him.

The party was ending and I was attending the guests out.

I was dead tired. I don't know why.

Probably because I haven't rested properly for the past two days and for the cherry on top, these heels.

I even missed my prayers. I'm praying before going to sleep even if I'm tired.

I have to ask Allah to guide my sister and I.

Amal left long ago already. He had to leave by himself because he had gotten a call from his mother and it was urgent.

I went outside and it was raining. Perfect.

I actually didn't really mind. I'm getting like a free shower right now. I got to my car and was about to get in when someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see who it was and saw Ahmed.

Not again. Not now. I'm tired.

"What?" I asked with a monotone voice.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"i'm really tired right now okay bye" I turned facing my car to get in once again but he stopped me once again.

"Fanaa I know you're tired but please.."

I turned to him again and looked at him. I was all wet by now. My hijab and my dress as well.

He was wet too but gosh...he looked good even right now.

I was looking for answers in his eyes. A lot of answers.

I was suddenly taken away, I could only listen to my heartbeat. He was also looking only at me.

And without knowing, my hand went to his face.

Tears were falling from my eyes. And I was just being shattered.

I was sad and I needed a hug.

The last words I said to him before getting in my car and driving away were "I missed you".


I woke up this morning in full energy. I was in my old room that I used to love a few years ago.

I got out of bed and stood in front of my window opening the curtains letting the sun shine on my face.


I had a weird dream last night and the guy I hate had to be in it.

In my dream, I was crying and I told him I missed him.

Ya Allah, is this a sign or something?

Hell nah.

I suddenly got a notification on my phone. I checked and saw a message from...Ahmed?!

How did he get my number?

-I missed you too cupcake <3


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