Chapter 17~Crazy day

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Fanaa's POV.

I hated this feeling.

This feeling of being closed.

This feeling of being scared, lonely and lost.

I hated it.

But that was the situation in which I was in.

By nature, I'm not a person who can control my emotions.

Every time we watch a sad movie, I start crying even before the sad part arrives.

When I feel depressed or really ugly, I cry.

When I see my friends, relatives or even other people sad, I cry.

I never leave all my emotions to build a wall around my heart and to break when the time comes.

When I heard Ahmed calling my name out, I felt a little relieved.

I thought that even though I'm not feeling well and I might not be able to get out of here, at least I have him.

Who's standing just on the other side. I didn't know why I had this thought. But it reassured me.

When I finally succeeded in opening the door, I just let myself go.

And myself brought me into his arms, holding him tight and never wanted it to let go.

While my heart was running a mile and my breaths were slowing down and getting back to normal, I was thanking Allah for sending him to me.

I slowly opened my eyes but I was seeing everything blurred. My legs were getting weak and the cold air was making me shiver even though it wasn't that cold.

I let myself fall into his arms. He was asking me constantly if I was okay.

Then I felt the pin that I had under my neck to hold my hijab open and the last words I said before loosing conscience.

"thank you" I said under my breath.


Salman's POV.

I know I made a huge mistake.

It wasn't my intention.

I shouldn't have told her to go there by herself.

I should have listened to her first.

Overall, I shouldn't have prepared all of this.

I don't know what she thinks of me now but I'm mad at myself. Everyone was really disappointed in me so I just left.

I couldn't stand seeing everyone like this, Fanaa unconscious and Ahmed holding her in his arms. Am I really wasting my time after her?

Are they really made for each other?

Should I just let her to him?

And loose my first love?

I shouldn't be thinking this way but I can't help it.


Ahmed's POV.

It's been a day. A day since the incident.

Fanaa isn't looking at me, talking to me or even thanking me.

I know that she must be a little scared but she really looks fine.

Since we've came back to the hotel, she just pretended everything was fine putting up a smile from time to time.

She even insisted to change places with a girl in the bus. Honestly, I don't understand what is going on.

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