Chapter 32~ Jealous Much?

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Amal's POV.

Fanaa is getting married?!


I mean I'm overreacting but I knew this was going happened. I got it a long time ago.

I mean Fanaa loves him and we can see it really well, there's no way someone could not be able to tell it.

So when I realized that two love birds were flying together I wasn't going to stop them or get involved.

But, I know someone who might not still gotten over it.


Ah, that little teddy bear.

She's just so cute but I wish she could realize that she's really wasting her time on the situation.

I mean I get it she wants to help Fanaa but I know Fanaa, she's strong enough to fix her own problems and as for what I've experienced last time, I don't think were at the place to do something.

This dude has a freaking gun!

And on top of that, I feel like the boring dramas Fanaa always talks to me about where the male lead is suspicious and ready to kill anyone for his love is actually happening!

There you go Fanaa, Allah has blessed you with your crazy dreams.

No but for real though, I'm a guy and I can totally see how much he's ready to sacrifice his life for her.

I don't think he wants to harm her or anything.

Now that my friend is getting married of course I'm attending although I'm not going to lie I have other intentions to be at this wedding other then congratulating Fanaa.

I'm driving to their place dressed in my Armani blue suit and my black signature vans.

I know, vans paired up with a suit: what is that?

I don't care, if I want to be comfortable then ain't nobody can stop me.

Once I arrived at Fanaa's place, I could see the decorations and the lights spread everywhere all around the house.

In front there was a big cardboard that said : AHMED WEDS FANAA.

I pressed on the bell as the door opened making me smile at the kids that were standing there.

I got in and saw that the theme color was white and blue.

Nice. Matches my outfit perfectly.

I walked to the backyard where the wedding is supposed to take place.

Wow in such a short time they made everything it look so perfect!

There was a small stage with an elegant couch where I'm guessing the weds will be sitting.

Then, I saw a bunch of people mostly Fanaa's family that I kind of remember from her sister's previous wedding.

I spot her cousins squad and joined them hoping to see Sofia as well.

"hey guys!"I said.

" hey bro what's up!" Rahman replied.

"I'm all good man, couldn't miss Fanaa's wedding after all" I said after bro hugging him.

"nice to see you here Amal, Fanaa will be happy to see you" Naina said.

" oh this I know, I'm so handsome I mean..." being narcissistic at times is a personality of mine at this point.

She sends me a smile and nodds her head in approval.

"I thought you had to deal with your training work and school but you still came?" Salman asked.

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