Chapter 16~Surprise Wasted

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Ahmed's POV.

She really has no idea what she is doing to me. I thought this game was dumb.

But I'm enjoying every second of it right now.

She got close to me. I can't believe it.

It's possible that she just wants to win but right now I just want to hold her in my arms.

I want to lock her in my heart and let her see all the emotions she makes me go through when she's with me.

If she even moves an inch more, I might end up crossing my boundaries.

Should I just loose?

Nah or else she'll annoy me all the time bragging about how she's the best.

And that's it, she got more close.

What I did next wasn't my intention.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. She gasped of shock as I didn't move my gaze away.

I know she's going to kill me but I love seeing her reacting like this. Realizing our position, she pushed me away.

All the students were shocked and looked at us as if we committed a crime. I just let out a small laugh. I got the chance to hold her so I did it.

"Astarghfirullah! you crazy guy!" she said before running away.

She definitely isn't understanding that I'm so crazy in love with her.


Salman's POV.

I can't believe that bastard dared to touch her. He's messing with my patience right now.

I saw Fanaa running away out of shock. It's time for me to make my move.

That's cool Ahmed, you touched her without her consent and she'll jump in my arms of happiness.

Watch out. I run after her and catch her up.

"Fanaa!" I yelled.

"Salman?! why are you following me?"she asked stopping.

"Where were you running to?" I asked her.

"no where! I'm just a little... embarrassed" she said awkwardly.

"Want me to bring some sense into him?" I proposed.

"Oh no! I'll be fine..."

"Okay well..."come on Salman. you got this. I  said to myself.

"you see that shed over there?" I pointed to her as she nodded.

"Go there and wait for me" I said to her.

"Why?" she asked.

" just go and I'll be right there" I didn't let her insist and ran back to my tent to get my lighter.

I was about to go back when I was called by a teacher.

"Salman! my favorite student!"

"Oh sir, what can I do for you?"I asked politely.

"Please come and help me move these few big benches over there for the night" he asked me.

"Oh...sure!"I didn't forget about Fanaa. He is an old teacher I don't want him to break his back.

Fanaa will understand. I know that.


Fanaa's POV.

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