Chapter 36~ Can't Sleep

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Fanaa's POV.

Something was rising in me.

I was in fear and I was shaking.

The cold drops of rain were touching my skin making me shiver.

I want to run away and never look back.

As I heard the gunshots the first reflex that I had was to get down and cover myself.

Although I didn't know where it came from, I know that my life was in danger.

I heard multiple gunshots then I heard "find her now!"

The voice was familiar to the guy that I met earlier in the room that I was locked in.

I knew they would start looking for me.

I got up and tried my best to walk properly.

The backyard was plain.

There was nothing.

Not even a door to get out.

Should I climb up and get to the other side?

I have to...

I started to climb with all the strength left in me saying Allah's name in my head non stop.

Why am I going through all of this?

I succeed in climbing it to the top and now I have to get down.

If I jump on my both feet, I'm definitely gonna yell hard because of the pain.

But I can't yell because they'll hear me.

But you have to jump Fanaa, you're wasting your time! Says my inner voice.


I close my eyes tightly and recite some surahs before getting ready to jump.

It's not that high, I'll be good.

Well.. hopefully..

I count till three in my head and jump only to feel strong arms around my waist catching me.

When I open my eyes I see Ahmed.

And that's when all of my emotions just... explode.

I hug him tightly and I start crying.

I was so scared to never see him again.

I was sure he would had no idea of where I am.

Thank you Allah.

"are you okay?!" he keeps asking me holding me strongly.

A few minutes later, I break the hug and wipe my puffy red eyes.

Ugh! Feels so good!

"I'm alright"

"I almost died" he says taking my hand and putting it on his chest to let me feel his heartbeat.

"do you hear this? Thank god you're back to me cupcake!" he says hugging me again almost lifting me up.

He takes off his jacket and put it on my head covering half of my body.

"I'm glad you're here to me I felt so lonely and trapped"

"I won't leave now okay"

I nod and he smiled.

"let's go to the car, I have something to fix before we leave and go home okay?"


"lets go" he says starting to walk but stops when he sees that I'm not moving.

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