Day 1: normal sex (Phan)

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"Phil!" Dan called through the house. He'd needed help editing and he was becoming more and more frustrated.

"Yeah, Dan?" Phil answered back. He started walking up the stairs, slowly making his way towards Dan's room. As Phil opened the door, he saw Dan aggressively typing on his laptop. "What's wrong, Dan?"

"The fucking thing isn't working." Dan exclaimed. Phil sighed and walked over to the laptop.

"Oh, I see what's going on." Phil laughed quietly as he fixed the problem in under five minutes. Dan stares in amazement.

"Thank you so much. Don't know how you did it, but thanks." Dan smiled at Phil. Phil ruffled Dan's hair. Dan frowned at Phil. "Hey! Why'd you do that?"

"No reason, just like giving you a hard time." Phil laughed.

Dan lightly punched Phil. Phil hit him back. They hit back and forth, laughing and giggling. Dan pushed Phil onto his bed when he noticed something.

" you have a hard on?"

Phil looked down to see the dent in his jeans. He quickly threw the duvet over his legs.

"No! what are talking about? I'm not hard, what?" Phil said, choked up. Dan stood there for a while, thinking. He straddled Phil suddenly. "Dan! What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it." Dan put his hands on his face. "Are you okay?"


"Good." Dan said before kissing Phil passionately. Phil instinctively bucked his hips. Dan pulled away and smirked. "Did you like that?" Phil nodded aggressively.

Dan starts to leave lovebites on Phil's neck. Phil lets out a little whimper and Dan smiled against his skin. Dan discarded his and Phil's shirt. Dan started leaving kisses down Phil's chest until he reached the hem of his jeans. Dan smirked as he unbuttoned Phil's jeans.

"How are you feeling?" Dan asked.

"Good. Great. Keep going." Phil said breathlessly.

Dan did as he was told, taking Phil's off completely. Dan saw the tip of Phil's dick springing out of the waistband of his boxers. Dan kitten-licked the tip, making Phil whimper.
Dan pulled his boxers all the way down and took Phil's dick into his mouth. Phil grabbed Dan's hair and groaned loudly.

"Fuck Dan." Phil moaned. Dan deepthroated Phil and Phil yelped, bucking his hips again.

Dan continued to bob his head on Phil's dick, deepthroating it occasionally.

"I'm close." Phil whimpered. Dan pulled off, Phil whimpering at the loss of contact.

"Don't worry, babe. It's gonna get better." Dan said seductively, removing his sweatpants. He walked over to his bedside drawer and grabbed the lube out of it. Phil smirked as he knew where this was going; it wasn't like he hadn't thought about this happening.

Dan straddled Phil again, opening the lube and putting on his hole and Phil's dick (he didn't bother about stretching.) Dan grabbed Phil's dick and sunk down on it, moaning loudly.

"Fucking Hell, Phil." Dan whined. Dan sat all the way down on Phil's dick. He came back up only to slam down on Phil's dick. He did this over and over. Phil started thrusting his hips in time with Dan.

"Dan, I'm close." Phil whimpered. Dan nodded, his eyes squeezed shut.

Dan came before Phil, Phil followed soon after. Dan got off Phil and laid down beside Phil.

"That...was amazing." Dan said, breathing heavily.

"Agreed." Phil said, "Hey, what about that video you were editing? Wasn't that supposed to be uploaded tonight?"

"Forget it."


Nice start, huh?

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now