Day 14: Dildos/ any other sex toys (Phan)

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Dan and Phil were very close to finishing their new video on their shared gaming channel when something arrived at the door.

"Dan, you're closest to the door,you get it,"Phil said. Dan knew that Phil wasn't joking because this was an altercation that they had on a regular basis.

"C'mon,Phil are you serious," Dan questioned,rolling his eyes.

"We'll edit this part out,just go it," Phil argued back.

"Fine," Dan sighed.

Dan walked downstairs to see what was down there.He knew it wasn't a person because no one would be standing at the door for that long. He opened the door and looked down. It was a package addressed to him. He didn't know what was, but all he knew is that it said "Dan Howell". He walked back upstairs  carrying the small box and putting it in his room, then went back into the filming room.

"So,what was it," Phil questioned as soon as Dan walked into the room.

"It was a package for me, don't worry about it," Dan said calmly.

Phil tried not to worry about it for the rest of the video, but once they finished filming, Phil bombarded Dan with questions.

"Did it say something? Have you opened it already? Was it shaped like a bomb?" Dan was, for sure, about to punch Phil. 

Dan walked into his room and closed the door so his flat mate would stop interrogating him. He thought, since he was in his room, to open the box. He grabbed the box of his dresser and it was more than Dan expected.....

It was a dildo.

Now Dan was for sure that this was addressed to the wrong person. He didn't remember buying a dildo. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to use it? Well, being the person he is, he was going to tell  the authorities.

But then he realized.

He could take control of the situation. He could keep it. He's openly bisexual, anyway and it's been awhile since Dan engaged in any kind of sexual activity, so this would help hopefully. But he couldn't tell anyone or let anyone find out.  It would be so embarrassing if someone found out that he, Dan Howell, kept a dildo that he found in the mail. But was his secret. Dan threw it under his bed and tried not to think about it for the rest of the day.


After a few very paranoid days, Dan finally decides to use the dildo that he's been hiding under his bed. He's already got lube (for personal reasons,of course). He got on his bed because that's what you do right?


This was his first time with a dildo so he didn't know what to do. He didn't stretch himself because he had fingered himself last night. He grabbed his lube from his top drawer.He put it on the dildo and his hole. He slowly pushed the dildo in.

Dan gasped at the sudden pressure. The pleasure that ensures was totally worth it. Then he paused. He was thinking about someone. What scared him, is that he knew the person he was thinking about. And what terrified him, is that he was thinking about Phil

He liked Phil, but he never thought he would think of him like this. At the worst time to think of Phil. He is literally fucking himself. Phil is his friend, not his sexual desire. But continued, even with his thoughts of Phil.

He actually thinks this turned him on more.

He pushed down on the dildo and moaned loudly. He hoped that Phil wouldn't hear him in the other room. He was right behind the wall.

Dan changed the angle of the dildo to hit his prostate. He moaned very loudly and bucked his hips up. Dan was gonna cum until......

Phil walked in.

Dan let out a manly scream and quickly pulled his blanket over his lower half. There was a painful awkward silence between them.

"Dan, where did you get that," Phil asked shocked.

"It was in the box that I got a few days ago,"Dan said disappointed.

"Why did you keep it," Phil asked sympathetically.

"I don't know," Dan started to cry.

"Dan, it's okay," Phil walked over to comfort Dan. He didn't think he was gonna cry.

"It's not okay. I was stupid for keeping dildo anyway. And probably think less of me now," Dan sobbed.

"No I don't, Dan. I love you. I loved you ever since we met," Phil said, kissing Dan's forehead.

"Really," Dan said, astonished.

"Yes," Phil said, happy to get that out. He would have never done that on his own,"If you need it, I can help you with that."

"Yes,please,"Dan said relieved.

"Alright, give me it,"Phil said with a smirk. He grabbed the dildo from Dan and moved back to where Dan's bum was and slowly pushed the dildo in.

Dan moaned at the sense of being full again. Phil reached under his shirt to mess with his nipple. Dan moaned even louder. Phil looked at Dan to see that his eyes were closed and he was already breaking a sweat. Then Dan said the unthinkable...

"Phil fuck me please," Dan moaned, not even thinking about what he just said.

"Really," Phil said, confused.

"Yeah,"Dan moaned again.

"Okay," Phil said taking his trousers off. He looked down to grab Dan's lube from his dresser. He put the lube on his hard cock. Dan was astonished on how big Phil was.

Phil lined himself up with Dan's hole and slowly pushed in. Dan gasped on the feeling of Phil's cock inside him. This was something he dreamed about, but never said anything. Phil pushed in until he couldn't go anymore. Now that Phil was all the way in, Dan was really astonished on how big Phil was.

Phil soon started moving and Dan could not control himself. Dan rolled his hips and clutched his sheets in pleasure. Phil moaned at how tight Dan was. Phil grabbed Dan's hips so hard that he was sure he would leave bruises. Dan was so close to cumming he almost couldn't contain it. He reached down to stroke his cock when Phil swatted his hand away

"Did I say you could do that," Phil said. Dan liked this dominate side of Phil."You look so gorgeous, taking my cock, sweating," Phil said

Damn it, how did Phil know he had a praise kink.

Phil's words were enough to send Dan over the edge. He came hard with a string of words along the lines of, "fuckshitohgodyes".  Dan clenching and clenching was enough to send Phil over the edge. He came deep inside of Dan. He pulled out soon after that. He couldn't imagine how sensitive Dan was. He and Dan then collapsed on Dan's bed.

"Phil," Dan said, almost inaudible.

"Yes," Phil replied.

"I love you," Dan said smiling.

"I love you, too," Phil said, cuddling Dan.

They soon fell asleep cuddling each other as if they die if let go.


*this fanfic is a repost kids* Happy Valentines Day, cuties, I hope yours was great

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