Day 19: Shower/Bathroom sex (Tronnor)

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"Troye, that was so fun!" Connor laughed as he and Troye walked in their shared apartment.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I love you so much." Troye said, smiling widely.

"I love you, too." Connor said, kissing Troye passionately, "Now, I'm gonna take a shower. The carnival really wore me out."

"How about we shower together water." Troye smirked. Connor reciprocated the action.

"Okay then. I like the sound of that." Connor bit his lip and. seductively. He started walking towards the bathroom, Troye following close behind. On the way up the stairs, Troye smacked Connor's ass. Connor let out a slight whimper and Troye just laughed.

As they make their way to the bathroom, Troye leaves lovebites on Connor's neck, Connor moaning in delight.

"Babe, wait until we get in the shower." Connor giggled.

"What if I can't wait?" Troye whispered seductively.

"Come on, babe. We're already close to the bathroom." Connor said, walking into the bathroom.

Troye got undressed quickly, letting Connor stare at his half-hard dick. Connor looked away for long enough to perform a strip tease for Troye.

"Fucking Hell, Con..." Troye groaned. Connor just smirked as he walked over to make out with Troye.

Connor pulled away long enough to start the shower. As the water warmed up, Troye and Connor made out sloppily.

As soon as the water reached the desired temperature, Connor grabbed Troye's hand and lead him in the shower. When Troye stepped in, Connor attacked Troye with lovebites. Connor started grinding on Troye, both of them moaning loudly. Connor pushed Troye against the wall and bent down to suck Troye off.

"Oh fuck..." Troye groaned. Connor started bobbing his head faster, deepthroating Troye easily. Troye's snaked into Connor's wet hair as he continued to groan loudly. "Con, you better stop or I'll cum too early."

Connor pulled off of Troye's dick, which was now fully hard. Connor stood up and kissed Troye again. Connor turned around and bent against the wall. Troye grabbed Connor's ass, making Connor whimper. Troye bent down and licked a fat stripe over Connor's entrance.

"Fuck..." Connor moaned. Troye continued eating Connor's ass until he was a whimpering mess.

"Did you stretch already?" Troye asked after a while. Connor shook his head. He was lying, but he just wanted Troye's fingers in him.

Troye got his fingers wet and pressed one of them against Connor's entrance. He pushed one in, making Connor groaned and put his head against the wall. After a few minutes, Troye added a second finger, Connor chanting his name in pleasure. When a third finger was added, Connor was weak in the knees with pleasure.

"Ready for my dick, now?" Troye asked. Connor nodded eagerly. "Beg for it."

"Please, Troye. I need you big dick inside me. I want you so bad." Connor whined.

Troye took his fingers out of Connor and lined himself up with Connor's entrance. He pushed in slowly, he and Connor groaned in ecstasy. Troye pushed in all the way and Connor groaned loudly. Troye started moving, making Connor moan louder.

"Fucking Hell, Troye. You're so big..." Connor moaned.

"Thanks, I try." Troye moaned, picking up speed with his thrusts. By this point, Troye is slamming into Connor.

"Troye, I'm close..." Connor whimpered. Troye smirked and started thrusting harder and faster.

Connor came with a scream of Troye's name, Troye following soon after with a loud grunt. Troye pulled out and kissed Connor sloppily.

"Come on, let's actually clean ourselves." Connor mumbled when they pulled away.

*after the shower*

Connor sat on the bed and started scrolling when Troye jumped onto the bed. Troye kissed Connor on the cheek innocently.

"So..." Troye said, "ready for round two?"

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now