Day 17: food sex (Larry)

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"Lou, where's the whipped cream?" Harry called to Louis, who was in the dining room.

"Should be on the counter. Why?" Louis asked. He made his way to the kitchen, "is everything alright?"

"Don't walk in yet, okay?" Harry called from the kitchen again. Louis did as he was told, standing outside the kitchen door with his arms crossed. He kept hearing the sound of the whipped cream can going off, but Louis thought nothing of it. "Okay, Lou. Come in!"

Louis walked and gasped. Harry was on the counter, completely nude and covered in whipped cream. There were even strawberries on his inappropriate places and there was one in his mouth.

"Harry, what the hell is going on?" Louis laughed.

"Let's just say, I'm your edible escort."

"You're not an escort, honey, but I appreciate the effort." Louis giggled. "So... what am I supposed to do?"

"Whatever you like. Bon appetit, baby!" Harry sang.

Louis rolled his eyes and walked over to Harry. He took a bite of the strawberry that was in Harry's mouth, and then, he kissed Harry. Louis dragged a finger through the whipped cream that was on Harry's stomach and stuck it in his mouth seductively. Louis licked all the whipped cream of Harry's stomach, Harry shuddering in delight and disgust.

"Ugh, now I'm all sticky." Harry repulsed.

"Should've known that going to happen." Louis replied, casually eating one the strawberries off Harry's nipples.

"Well, the least you could do is fuck me." Harry sighed.

"Can do, honeybunch." Louis smirked, pulling off his pants and revealing his half-hard dick. He stroked himself to full hardness. "Lube?"

"Here," Harry handed a random bottle, "it strawberry flavoured. It actually tastes like strawberries, I tasted it earlier."

"I'll take your word for it." Louis shrugged. He lubed up his dick and placed himself at Harry's entrance before pausing. "Before we start, do you need stretching? I don't want to hurt you too bad."

"Louis, if I took the time to plan this, of course I knew to stretch prior to it." Harry replied sassily.

"Okay, lose the attitude, mister." Louis snarked.

Louis pushed into Harry, groaning when he bottomed out. Harry let out little whimpers and gripped Louis' arm. Harry then grabbed the can of whipped cream and squirted some into his mouth.

"Kiss me, you fool." Harry tried to say around the whipped cream. Louis rolled his eyes and bent down to kiss Harry, whipped cream getting all over their mouths. "Now, move please."

Louis did as he was told, thrusting his hips quickly. Harry moaned loudly, grabbing Louis' arm harder than before. Louis thrusts got faster, making Harry's moans louder and louder.

"Harder, fuck..." Harry whimpered. Louis went harder and faster, his grunts louder and more frequent. "Fuck! Lou, I'm gonna cum-"

Harry barely to finish his sentence before he came hard with a yell of Louis' name. Louis came shortly after with a low grunt.

"Now, Harold, don't you think it's time to take a shower?"

"Very much so, yes."

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now