Day 24: Movie theatre sex (Larry)

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"I still can't believe you're in a movie, baby." Louis giggled, walking towards the movie theatre to see Dunkirk for the third time.

"Well, hopefully the theatre will be less packed than it was on opening night." Harry snickers. "I wanna do something this time around."

"And what's that?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows.

"We've never fucked in a cinema. Why not do it while my face is on the big screen?" Harry smirked as hit Louis ass.

"I agree with all that, but you know I'm not a quiet bottom." Louis said.

"Well, obviously. Which is why I got a private theatre for us." Harry said nonchalantly.

"How did you manage that?"

"Well it's easy when you're in the damn movie." Harry said sarcastically, Louis rolled his eyes. "But, the walls aren't sound proof so don't scream or the theatre next to us will know what Louis Tomlinson bottoming sounds like."

"Oh, whatever." Louis rolled his eyes.

The couple walked into the theatre, hand in hand. When they made to the ticket salesperson, she gasped when she saw them.

"Are you Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson? The Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?" She asked.

"That'd be us!" Louis said, "Now my insane boyfriend here has a prepaid private theatre here."

"Oh of course. But first, can I have an autograph. I'll give you a free popcorn coupon but I was gonna give you that whether you gave me the autograph or not." The girl rambled.

"It's no trouble, hun. Have you got a Sharpie?" Harry asked. Of course, the girl had one and the two signed her Dunkirk movie ticket. She gave them the free popcorn coupon and the two walked towards the concession stand.

After they got their popcorn, they started walking towards the private theatre, which happened to be the biggest theatre in the building.

"It's so huge in here," Louis remarked, "like your dick."

"Don't get me all worked up before the movie even starts, babe."

Sooner or later, the lights dimmed and the film started. Louis took it upon himself to unzip Harry's pants and take the tip of Harry's dick in his mouth.

"Fuck, Lou." Harry groaned. Louis deepthroated Harry, making Harry moan.

After a while, Louis pulled off of Harry. Louis discarded his own pants and bent over two of the seats. 

Harry grabbed Louis plump ass and licked a fat stripe over his entrance. Louis moaned loudly as Harry ate him out vigorously.

"Lou, remember, not sound proof." Harry reminded.

"Right.." Louis gasped. He then jumped at one of the gunshot sounds in the movie. "Fuck, I swear I forget how loud this movie is."

"Yeah, almost as loud as you were moaning a second ago." Harry snarked.

"Oh, fuck off and fuck me." Louis snarled.

"Okay, baby."

"Wait a minute, what about lube?"

"Check your tracksuit pocket."

"You hid a pack of lube and a condom in my pocket?" Louis asked, Harry just smiled innocently. "Whatever. Here, now fuck me."

Louis handed the lube and condom to Harry. Harry ripped open the condom with his teeth and rolled it over his dick. Even though the condom was pre-lubed, Harry still put some lube on his dick and Louis' entrance.

Harry lined himself up with Louis entrance and pushed in slowly.

"Oh, fucking hell." Louis groaned, putting his against the seat.

Harry started moving, moaning loudly himself. He thrusted faster, Louis moaning louder than ever. Harry clasped his hand over Louis' mouth.

"Lou, you have to be quieter, I'm not trying to get kicked out," Harry whispered/yelled, "On another note, I'm on the screen!"

Louis looked over for long enough to see that it was his favourite part, (A/N: Spoiler coming up) when the torpedo hit the boat and Harry and Fionn were swimming to the rescue boat. Harry looked so hot with his hair wet.

"Why'd you slow down? Keep going please." Louis demanded.

Harry started thrusting harder and faster, making Louis practically yell. Harry clasped his hand over Louis' mouth again. 

"Harry I'm close." Louis moaned against Harry's hand.

"Me too." Harry grunted.

A few thrusts and several muffled moans later, the two came in unison. Harry pulled out, tied the condom, and wrapped it in napkin. Louis stood up and put his pants back on.

"Harry, I hope you know I came on the seat." Louis said nonchalantly.

"Shit, try to clean it up before it dries." Harry panicked, pulling his pants back up.

Louis did just that, getting up most of it with the napkins. Louis sat back down.

"Now can we enjoy the last 15 minutes of the movie?" Louis asked.

"I guess. I love you though."

"I love you too or whatever."

"Way to boost a guy's  self esteem."

"Shut up, you dork."


I relate so much to the the ticket salesperson, it's not even funny

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now