Outro + Fanfic Analysis

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I can't believe it. I actually made it. Funnily enough, my friend who I was doing this with dropped out at, like, day 5. Another thing I find funny is that this started with Phan and ended with Phan.

Anyway, I felt like we should do a analysis and elaboration on every chapter. I'll try to make them short lol. Here we go.

Day 1: Normal sex (Phan): okay this one was kind of cute. I'll admit, I almost forgot to write it (I wrote all of these gradually). Think about how sad it would've been if i fucked up the first day.

Day 2: outdoor/Public sex (Ryden): this one is great. All the sarcasm in it is amazing. I actually think that yoowatup described it best, saying they sounded like an old couple who were tired of each other, which wasn't my intention but I appreciate it

Day 3: angry/angst sex (Larry): all I gotta say here is, Harry's line about thinking gay cracked me the fuck up

Day 4: handcuffed sex (Scömichè): this fanfic was rushed as hell but honestly it was alright

Day 5: office sex (Tronnor): 👏 MY 👏 FAVOURITE 👏 FUCKING 👏 FIC 👏 IN 👏 THIS 👏 BITCH 👏 This fic is everything to me. It's so good.

Day 6: threesome (PonyJohnnyDally): this was a repost so whateva

Day 7: Car sex (Joshler): lemme tell y'all something about this fic, I was so over it at this point so I said "fuck it, this is good enough"

Day 8: filmed sex (Larry): another fic where I gave not one singular fuck. It was a write-n-go kinda fic

Day 9: whips (Scömichè): I like this one, it was cute. I liked Kirstie's bit the most tho

Day 10: Sick sex (Shyland): I liked how cute this was. I feel like this is how Shane and Ryland would act irl

Day 11: Dom/Sub (Ryden): This. Is. Fucking. Adorable. I love reading DDLB stuff so I might more of it idk

Day 12: insecure sex (Johnnyboy): another one of my favourites in this bitch. I love  this fic and this ship and ugh 💝💞💗💗💖💘💗💓💝💞💘💗💓💞💖

Day 13: Drunk sex (Tronnor): I love Mamrie in this fic. I also love drunk Connor and Troye.

Day 14: Dildos/any other sex toys (Phan): this is the first Dan and Phil I've ever written so it just felt nice to post on Valentine's Day.

Day 15: Morning sex (Joshler): Okay this is cute and whateva but I just wanna say that P!ATD and TØP should collab don't @ me

Day 16: overstimulation (Scömichè): the awkwardness in this fic is UNREAL. But whateva its still cute

Day 17: food sex (Larry): I. LIVE. FOR. THIS. FIC. Harry is so adorable and Louis is so sarcastic yet sweet. But it took forever to come up with the name edible escort. Welppp

Day 18: birthday sex (Ryden): ILoveThisFicILoveThisFicILoveThisFicILoveThisFicILoveThisFicILoveThisFicILoveThisFic. And that's that on that.

Day 19: Shower/Bathroom sex (Tronnor): Ima be real honest with y'all, this is a fanfic I wrote a while ago in my notebook at school. All did was change the names to Troye and Connor. Now you know my secret.

Day 20: rough sex (Phan): This was actually kinda hard to write because I'm bad with adjectives and imagery. So I tried my hardest to portray rough, intense sex.

Day 21: school sex (Johnnyboy): all I gotta say is Two-Bit is me. I am Two-Bit. We are one.

Day 22: soft/gentle sex (Shyland): this is so fucking cute I cri. Shane is so soft and Ryland is so appreciative. I love stuff like that.

Day 23: sexting (Phan): tbh, I wrote this fic in my notebook and transferred it to lè internet. I even drew the emojis in my notebook, but that's another story.

Day 24: Movie theatre sex (Larry): I like how much fucking sarcasm is in this fic. I also strongly relate to the ticket girl.

Day 25: Sleepover sex (Scömichè): All is this adorable. Kevin's rules are so cute and Mitch's sass is EVERYTHING


Day 27: Skype/ video chat sex (Joshler): this one was cute. I really like how nonchalant Tyler was at the end.

Day 28: Mystery ;) (Phan): I'm gonna leave you with zero context as to how Dan ended up in the seat or what this kink was supposed to be or just this entire fic in general.

Okay, on a serious note, this challenge was to see if I could actually do it. I know I did fall off at sometimes, but I picked back up. So I'm proud of myself, I deserve a pat on the back.

Hope you enjoy this month long mess. I'm never gonna do this again. Much love from this gay idiot. Bye!

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