Day 10: Sick sex (Shyland)

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Ryland laid in bed, sicker than ever. He hoped that he didn't have the flu, just a really bad cold. He felt like vomiting but he didn't even have the energy to get to the bathroom.

"Ryland, how you feeling?" Shane asked as he poked his head in the door. Ryland groaned in response. "I know it sucks, honey. Have the antibiotics kicked in yet?"

"Not really, I still feel like shit." Ryland mumbled. Shane walked into the room slowly.

"Want me to help you feel better?" Shane asked. Ryland looked at Shane in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Ryland asked. Shane smirked.

"I think you know what I mean." Shane said, sitting on the bed and laying his head on Ryland's thigh. Ryland raised an eyebrow.

"So you're horny?" Ryland said sassily, coughing right after. 

"No, I just want you to feel a little better." Shane said. Ryland's smiled and shook his head. "How about this, I'll make it quick and easy. And if you're uncomfortable, I'll stop. Just know I won't be able to kiss you because, you know, you're very sick."

"Okay fine. But make it quick, okay? I really want to go to sleep." Ryland mumbled. He took the blanket off of himself, letting Shane have free range of his body. Shane smiled and pulled down Ryland's pyjama pants.

Shane wasted no time in taking Ryland's disk into his mouth, deepthroating Ryland immediately. Ryland moaned, sneezing after he did. Shane pulled off after a while, taking his own dick out. Shane grabbed the lube that was casually sitting on the bedside table. He put lube on his dick and on Ryland's hole. Shane didn't bother to stretch him, since he did he wanted to make this quick. He lined himself up with Ryland before pushing in slowly.

"Fuck, Shane..." Ryland moaned. It hurt a little bit since there was no stretching involved, but he got used to it quickly. Shane starting moving, making Ryland moan.

"Fucking hell Ryland." Shane moaned, speeding up his thrusts. "Ry, I'm close."

"Me too, babe." Ryland groaned, sniffling loudly. Sooner or later, Ryland was finishing off, Shane cumming soon after.

Shane pulled out and ran to get a washcloth to clean up Ryland. When he got back, Ryland was already asleep. Shane smiled and cleaned his boyfriend up, putting Ryland's pants back up and putting the blanket back over him.

"Goodnight, babe."


Sorry this was late. I was feeling really out of it yesterday. Today's and tomorrow's fic will be posted tomorrow.

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now