Day 18: birthday sex (Ryden)

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Ryan sang while bringing in a large cake. "Happy birthday, dear Brendon! Happy birthday to you!"

Brendon blew out his candles in his cake, smiling widely afterwards. He kissed Ryan passionately.

"Did you make a wish, baby?" Ryan asked.

"Well, everything I've ever needed is standing right in front of me." Brendon said sweetly. Ryan said thanks through a passionate and loving kiss. Brendon slipped his tongue into Ryan, the two's tongues fight for dominance. As usual, Brendon won.

"Brendon, can we have cake first?" Ryan giggled when they pulled apart.

"The cake can wait."

Brendon picked up Ryan and carried him to the couch. He laid Ryan down gently before attacking him lovebites. Ryan whimpered and started unbuttoning Brendon's shirt. Brendon slipped out of his shirt and pulled off Ryan's shirt.

"Bren, I need you, please." Ryan whimpered.

"Lovebites never fail to make you weak, huh?" Brendon smirked. Ryan only whimpered again. "Let's get these pants off, yeah?"

"Yes, please..." Ryan whispered. Brendon pulled down Ryan's sweatpants and reached under the hem of his boxers to grab his dick. Ryan's breath hitched at the sudden contact. "Bren..."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm gonna make you feel good, okay."

"It's your birthday, shouldn't I be making you feel better?" Ryan asked, pouting slightly.

"Well, since it's my birthday, I should have what I want right?" Brendon asked, Ryan nodded, "Well, I want to please you. Will you let me?"

"Yeah, I will." Ryan whispered. Brendon kissed him deeply.

Brendon stroked Ryan's dick gently, Ryan letting out little moans. Brendon pulled his pants off completely, jacking off a little. 

"Do you want it hard or gentle, honey?" Brendon asked softly.

"Gentle, I want to feel you." Ryan gasped.

Brendon nodded and grabbed the lube from  under the couch. He slathered his dick in the substance and lined himself up with Ryan's entrance.  He pushed in slowly, making Ryan moan quietly. Brendon bottomed out, not moving for a few seconds so Ryan could adjust to the feeling. 

"Move Bren, please..." Ryan whimpered.

Brendon pulled back and pushed back in again, his thrusts slow and sensual. Ryan moaned a little louder, biting his arm to make his moans less noticeable.

"Don't do that, babe. You know I like to hear those beautiful moans of yours." Brendon grunted, his thrusts getting faster. Ryan moved his arm from his mouth and let loose.

"Fuck, babe!" Ryan yelled when Brendon hit his sweet spot. Brendon smirked, aiming for that spot with every thrust. "Bren, I'm close."

"Me too." Brendon groaned. "Cum with me. On the the count of three."


"1...2...3!" Brendon came with a loud grunt. Ryan came soon after with a moan of Brendon's name before going limp on the couch.

"I love you, Brendon." Ryan whispered.

"I love you, too, baby." Brendon said, kissing Ryan passionately.

"Hey, Bren?"

"Yes, hun?"

"Can we go eat that cake now?"

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now