Day 15: Morning sex (Joshler)

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"Joshie, wake up." Tyler said groggily. Josh groaned and turn to the other side.

"Five more minutes, Ty. Please?" Josh asked tiredly. Tyler shook his head and moved Josh's arm.

"C'mon, Josh. We said we'd met up with Brendon to talk about our upcoming song,( a/n wink wink), so get up!" Tyler sighed, shaking Josh's arm more. Josh didn't budge. "If you get up now, I'll make it worthwhile."

Josh's eyes went wide. "What do you mean by 'worthwhile'?"

"Get up and I'll show you." Tyler smirked. Josh sat up and kissed Tyler. Tyler's hand made its way to Josh's hair. "We do have to be a little quicker than this. We're not trying to be two hours late."

"Okay then, let's cut to the chase then." Josh whispered, "I know you don't need any stretching." 

Tyler face went completely red as he took off his sweatpants he slept in. Josh mimicked the action, pinning Tyler to the bed when he was done. Josh went to leave a hickey on Tyler's neck, but quickly realised that Tyler wouldn't have a way to cover it. Instead, Josh made out with Tyler again, more aggressively this time.

Josh grabbed the lube that was laying on the floor. He took off the boxers and put some lube on his fully hard dick. He took off Tyler's boxers as well and placed his dick at Tyler's entrance. Slowly, Josh pushed inside Tyler.

"Fuck, Josh.." Tyler moaned. Josh's thrust started getting faster and sloppier.

"Ty, I'm close."

"I know, I am too."

After a few more thrusts, Tyler and Josh came simultaneously. Josh pulled out and stood up while Tyler sat there for a bit longer.

"Get up hun, we gotta see Brendon, remember?" Josh remarked sarcastically.

"Shut up."

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now