Day 20: rough sex (Phan)

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Dan sat on the couch next to Phil, painfully horny and needy. Phil was even paying attention to him, fully focused on a random movie he was watching.

"Phillll," Dan whined, "I'm hard and I want you in my ass."

"Well that was spontaneous." Phil giggled. Dan lightly hit Phil.

"Don't laugh! This is serious!" Dan pouted. Phil kissed Dan's cheek and turned his attention back to the TV.

"After this movie. I just started it." Phil said. Dan groaned. "Relax, it's only an hour and 45."

Dan sat quietly for a few minutes, squirming uncomfortably on his hard on. As he doing that, he got an idea and smirked slyly.

Dan immediately discarded his pyjama pants and started sucking on his fingers in attempt to get Phil's attention. Phil glanced in his direction but didn't say anything.

Dan rolled his eyes and took his fingers out of his mouth. He got on his hands and knees on the couch and pressed on of his fingers against his rim, whimpering slightly. He pushed one finger in, exaggerating his moan a little. Phil looked  over at Dan, gasping quietly.

Now, Dan wasn't new to fingering game, so   he added a second finger almost immediately. He groaned in delight as he fingered himself fast and hard. He looked back Phil, who had a blissed look on his face and tent growing in his pants.

All of sudden, Phil stood up and took Dan's fingers out his ass.

"Alright, you little shit, you've proved your point." Phil said, his voice raspy.

"So my plan worked, huh?" Dan snorted. Phil rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it." Phil growled, taking off his sweat pants and grabbing Dan's ass.

Phil spit in his hand and stroked his neglected dick, moaning in pleasure. He lined himself up with Dan's entrance but he didn't push in yet.

"Hope you know, we're going fast and rough, I'm still trying to watch my movie." Phil whispered hotly in Dan's ear, making Dan shudder.

Phil pushed in without notice, making Dan yell. Phil didn't waste time easing into it, fucking Dan hard as fast.

"Harder..." Dan moaned.

Phil, doing as he was told, went harder and faster, practically slamming into Dan. Dan was screaming, not caring if the neighbours heard.

"Phil, I'm close.." Dan moaned.

"Me too," Phil grunted, "but you're gonna cum after me."

After a few more thrusts, Phil came with a loud grunt, Dan following soon after. Phil pulled out and threw Dan a towel to clean up.

"Are you happy now?" Phil asked, putting his sweatpants back on.


"Okay good," Phil said, sitting back down on the couch and un-pausing the movie, "now go away, I'm watching a movie."

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now