Day 11: Dom/Sub (Ryden)

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Before we start, this is gonna be a Daddy Dom type thing, just so you know. It's kind of DDLB, but it's not ABDL btw


"Daddy, Come here, please." Ryan shouted from the kitchen. Brendon trudged to the kitchen from the living room. 

"Yes, baby?" Brendon asked, exhausted from the day already.

"I want a cookie!" Ryan asked, pointing to the top shelf where the cookie jar was. Brendon kept them up there so Ryan wouldn't get to them.

"Haven't you had one already?" Brendon said, smiling and tickling Ryan. Ryan squealed and laughed.

"Yes, Daddy, but can I have another one?"  Ryan asked.

"You can after lunch and a nap." Brendon said, picking Ryan up effortlessly. Ryan pouted.

"I hate naps, Daddy." Ryan frowned.

"I know, baby. But how about this? After we eat, I'll do something to make it easier to take your nap, okay?" Brendon said as Ryan bounced excitedly.

"Okay, Beebo." Ryan giggled, making Brendon laughed at the pet name.

~after lunch~

"Okay, Daddy, what are you gonna do?" Ryan said excitedly.

"Come with me, baby. To the bedroom we go." Brendon said, grabbing Ryan's hand and leading him down the hall.

As they walked, Ryan jumped excitedly. When the two reached the bedroom, Ryan sat down on the bed and Brendon started kissing his neck.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Ryan giggled.

"I think you know what I'm trying to do." Brendon whispered in Ryan's ear. Ryan shuddered and reached up to tug at Brendon's hair. 

Ryan whimpered and pulled at his shirt. Brendon took of his and Ryan's shirts. Ryan laid back onto the bed, letting Brendon have free range of his bare chest. Brendon pulled down Ryan's pants and boxers. Brendon wrapped his hand around Ryan's dick and lazily stroked him.

"Daddy..." Ryan moaned. Brendon smirked and took a short lick at Ryan's dick, making Ryan whimper.

Brendon sucked Ryan's dick properly, deepthroating him every few seconds. After a while, Brendon pulled off and grabbed the lube under the bed. He slathered three of his fingers in lube, and put two of his fingers into Ryan without notice.

"Fuck.." Ryan moaned. Brendon added a third finger, making Ryan writhe and whimper. Brendon took his fingers out of Ryan and put lube on his dick. He lined himself up with Ryan's hole.

"Are you ready baby?" Brendon groaned. Ryan nodded eagerly. "Use your words honey."

"Yes, Daddy! I'm so ready." Ryan begged. Brendon smirked before pushing into Ryan slowly. "Fucking hell..."

Brendon bottomed out and waited a second for Ryan to get used to it. Ryan nodded and Brendon took that as a signal to say that he could start moving. His thrusts started off slow but they sped up very quickly.

"Fuck Daddy." Ryan moaned. Brendon's thrusts started to get more frantic and Ryan could tell that he was close. "I'm close."

"Me too," Brendon groaned, "but you're gonna cum after me."

Ryan whimpered as he waited for Brendon to finish. Brendon climaxed after a few more thrusts, Ryan cumming immediately after. Brendon grabbed a towel and cleaned up both he and Ryan. Brendon laid down next to Ryan.

"Nap time?" Brendon asked.

"Nap time."

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now