Day 8: filmed sex (Larry)

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Louis was on Harry's lap, watching a movie but he couldn't sit still. Harry put his hands on Louis's hips to get him to call down.

"Lou, chill." Harry whispered. Louis nodded. They went back to watching the movie. Louis started squirming again. Harry sighed. "Lou, stay still."

Louis tried again, staying put for only about five minutes before moving.

"Fine, then. Upstairs we go." Harry said, taking Louis of his lap and getting up himself. Harry grabbed Louis hand and walked upstairs to their bedroom.

When they arrived at the room, Harry set up a camera. Harry had kind of had  a fetish for filming his and Louis' sex sessions. Louis sat on the bed, confused as ever.

"Is this my punishment or something?" Louis asked. Harry snickered.

"No. You just gave me a hard on with all of the moving you were doing."  Harry replied. Louis laughed and started stripping as Harry turned the camera. Harry angled the camera at the bed and walked over to Louis, kissing him passionately.

"Alright, Harold. We have zero time for foreplay, especially since I really want to finish the movie." Louis snapped sassily. Harry laughed and flipped Louis over. "Don't worry about fingering me, I'm probably still stretched from last night."

Harry nodded and grabbed the lube from the beside drawer. He slicked and lined himself up with Louis. He pushed himself into Louis quick and hard, wasting no time since they just had sex that night. Louis and Harry moaned loudly.

"Lou, look at the camera. Look at how slutty you look." Harry groaned.  Louis looked at how disheveled his hair was and his mouth was agape in pleasure.

"Harry, I'm close." Louis moaned. Harry's thrusts were getting sloppier so Louis knew Harry was close too. After a few more thrusts, Harry and Louis were coming simultaneously. Harry pulled out and cleaned Louis and himself up.

"So," Harry asked, "ready to finish the movie?"


I'm only eight days in and I'm already tired of this challenge oml

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now