Day 3: angry/angst sex (Larry)

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"Louis, how fucking could you?!" Harry yelled, standing up from the couch.

"It was one measly little kiss. I was drunk and it didn't mean anything!" Louis yelled back. He went out one night and accidentally locked lips with Liam. He didn't mean to, he just had one too many.

"Just because you didn't mean it doesn't justify your actions! You kissed Liam, one of my best friends!  People don't just do that." Harry walked in circles and sighed in anger. "I can't fucking believe this. My boyfriend since 2010 would do this to me. Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Harry, I swear I didn't mean to. Niall was giving me shot after shot and I just...I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight." Louis sighed in defeat.

"Of course you weren't thinking straight. You kissed Liam; if anything, you were thinking gay."

Louis snickered under his breath at Harry's comment.

"Harry, don't you think that was a little inappropriate?"

"No because it's the truth." Harry looked at Louis with a dead pan stare. "Whatever, I'm going to bed."

"No wait, can I at least prove how sorry I am?"

"No, I'm angry at you, why would I let you do that?"

"Because you love me."

"Hmm, debatable."

"Come on, please?"

Harry sighed and shrugged "Fine."

Louis got up and grabbed Harry's hand and lead him up the stairs. Louis walked into the bedroom gestured for Harry to sit on the bed.  Harry rolled his eyes and sat down.

Louis straddled Harry and kissed him passionately. Harry kissed back, getting progressively less angry at Louis.

"Feel like bottoming tonight?" Louis asked when he pulled away.

"I always feel like bottoming." Harry joked.

Louis smirks and gets off Harry's lap and gets on his knees. He unbuttoned Harry's jeans and unzipped them with his teeth. Louis grabbed Harry's half-hard dick and lazily stroked it. Harry gasped at the sudden contact and Louis took it upon himself to lick Harry's dick. 

"Fuck Lou..." Harry moaned as Louis started sucking his dick properly. Louis occasionally deepthroated Harry, Harry's hand snaking its way into Louis hair.

After a while, Louis pulled off and gestured for Harry to get on his hands and knees. Harry does and Louis proceeded eat out Harry while also reaching for the lube that was always under their pillow. Once he grabbed it, he took of his sweat pants and slicked up his fully hard dick.

"Are you ready, honey?" Louis asked.

"I guess so." Harry mumbled, trying to sound angry but he was to far gone to be.

Louis took initiative and pushed into Harry, moaning loudly. Harry groaned and gripped the sheets so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"Fucking hell, Lou." Harry moaned.

Louis started moving, his hand moving to Harry's hair. Harry moaned loudly, forgetting about the neighbours.

"Faster, please." Harry whined.

Louis did as he was told, swiftly moving faster and thrusting harder.

"I'm close, Lou."

"Me too."

After a few more thrusts, Harry came all over the bedsheets. Louis came soon after. Louis laid down next to Harry, who was already half-asleep.

"Thank you, Harry. For letting me prove myself to you."

"You're welcome, just promise to never cheat on me again."



Sorry if this seemed rushed, it very much so was. And I know, the sex itself wasn't angry, but it came from anger.

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now