Day 12: insecure sex (Johnnyboy)

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"I don't know, Pony, I just don't like my body."

"Johnny, you're perfect. How can you see anything but perfection?"

"But I'm not perfect. I'm chubby and my hair is always messy. I'm not that smart. I'm just ugly." Johnny sighed. Pony hugged Johnny. The walk they were taking had turned sour. Pony stopped walking and grabbed Johnny by his shoulder.

"Listen to me, Johnny. I don't ever want to hear you call yourself ugly ever again. You're far from ugly, okay?" Pony said. Johnny nodded, his eyes welling with tears. "Don't cry, baby. I'll prove how perfect you are when we get to my house. Will you let me?"

"Yes, Pony. I will." Johnny sniffed. Pony kissed Johnny passionately.

When the two made it to Ponyboy's house, Pony was relieved to see that no one was home. Pony lead Johnny to his bedroom. Pony put Johnny in front of the full body mirror in his room.

"I want you to look at yourself, and tell me what you think is wrong." Pony demanded.

"Well, I'm fat. I eat way too much, it's made me so pudgy." Johnny said, and Pony nodded, not saying anything. "My hair is always messy, I use too much grease in it so it just looks gross. And I walk kind of weird, it's kinda like a waddle more than a walk."

Johnny continued to name flaw after flaw, showing no emotion whatsoever. He paused for a while and Pony put his hands on Johnny's waist.

"You done, sweetheart?" Pony asked, Johnny nodded.  "Now let me prove you wrong. Do you feel comfortable taking your shirt off for me?" Johnny nodded as he removed his shirt.

"Firstly, you're not fat, honey. You're a normal weight for your age. And I love your hair, grease or not. Your waddle is adorable, and I tell you all the time that I love it."

For every few flaws Pony addressed, Johnny kissed him. Soon, the little kisses turned into make out sessions, and soon, the make out sessions turned into Pony having Johnny pinned against the bed and leaving hickies down Johnny's chest.

"Shit, Pony." Johnny moaned, cutting himself off in embarrassment.

"Don't do that, I want to hear you." Pony groaned. Pony kissed all down Johnny chest before reaching Johnny's jeans. Pony undid Johnny's belt and pulled them down, taking Johnny's dick from the hem of his boxers. Pony licked at Johnny's dick before taking as much of Johnny's dick in his mouth as he could; he hadn't learned how to control his gag reflex yet.

"Fucking hell, Pony. It feels good." Johnny moaned.

"I know honey." Pony said when he pulled off. Quickly, Pony ran to the bathroom to get the lube that Sodapop always left in there. As he was, waking back, Pony took off his pants.

Pony made it back to the room and put lube on one of his fingers before pushing it into Johnny. Johnny face contorted in pain and pleasure.

"I know it hurts baby, but it'll feel better soon." Pony said.

Oh boy, was Pony right.

After a while, Pony had three fingers in Johnny and Johnny was a whimpering mess. Pony took his fingers out of Johnny and gestured for Johnny to get on his hands and knees. Johnny did as he was as told and Pony put his hands on  Johnny's hips. Pony slathered his dick in lube and slowly pushed inside of Johnny. Johnny moaned loudly and covered his mouth straight after.

"Johnny, don't worry, no one's here, be as loud as you want. I want to hear your pretty moans and whimpers anyway." Pony groaned as he bottomed out. A few seconds passed before moving, Johnny moaning in delight.

"Fuck, Pony." Johnny whimpered.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, baby. Look how pretty you are. So fucking perfect." Pony groaned as his thrusts got faster. Johnny took a peek at the mirror and, for the first time, he didn't hate what he saw. He liked it.

Pony's thrusts got sloppier and Johnny's moans got louder and louder. Soon, they both came, both moaning each other's name. Pony pulled out and cleaned he and Johnny with an old shirt before cuddling with Johnny.

"Do you see what I mean, now? There nothing wrong with you." Pony sighed.

"I think I do, hun." Johnny mumbled, "But your also perfect. Don't forget it neither."

"I won't." Pony replied, "Besides, I can't forget it."

"I know you can't," Johnny smiled, "because we're perfect together."

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