Day 7: car sex (Joshler)

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"Tyler, I want Taco Bell." Josh groaned. Tyler smiled.

"Well, first, you've gotta change. You been in the same sweatpants for two days now." Tyler snickered. Josh blushed.

"They're comfortable, okay!" Josh retorted. Tyler laughed as he watched Josh walk upstairs.

10 minutes and a few songs later, Josh walked down stairs in a pair of gym shorts and an old band t-shirt.

"Ready to go?" Tyler asked when he saw Josh. Josh nodded and Tyler got up and walked to the door.

When they got to the car, Josh decided to drive. Tyler took his place in the passenger seat. After that, Josh was off to Taco Bell.

When they made it to the drive thru, Josh sighed at the long line. Tyler snickered and bent down towards Josh's dick. Josh stared at Tyler as Tyler proceeded to take Josh's dick out of his shorts. Tyler took a kitten lick at Josh's dick, making him shudder.

"Ty, what are you doing?" Josh asked.

"What does it look like? Besides, you would probably cum before we actually start ordering." Josh nodded at Tyler's response and let him continue.  Tyler took Josh's dick into his mouth, josh moaning in delight.

Boy, was Tyler wrong.

Right as Tyler was in the heat of the moment, Josh pulled up to the ordering machine.

"Ty stop. " josh whisper/yelled. Tyler pulled off for a few moments so Josh could start the order. "I would like one Nacho Bell Grande and-" before josh could finish, Tyler went back to sucking his dick. Josh cursed quietly.

"What was that, sir?" The lady taking the order asked.

"Nothing, I'm sorry." Josh apologized. Tyler bobbed his head faster, making josh groan slightly. Just as josh was about to cum, he somehow choked out the order.  Josh drove up and let Tyler continue until he came.  Josh put his dick back in his pants.

"That was fun, wasn't it?" Tyler laughed.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you when we get home."


Ok i know this wasn't technically sex but I wasn't feeling it today, soz

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now