Day 5: office sex (Tronnor)

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Connor strutted around the building, a stack of papers in hand, and trying to find the copy machine. He'd been walking around cluelessly for about ten minutes, but he was too shy to ask anyone where it was. And this wasn't even the last of his errands.

"God," Connor muttered quietly, "this intern job sucks."

"Connor," the intercom sounded, "please report to Mr.Sivan's office immediately."

Connor rolled his eyes and walked to the elevator. He got there just as the doors were about to close. He contemplated whether or not to run or just to wait until the next ride.

So he ran.

"Sorry, sorry." Connor mumbled as he stepped into the crowded elevator.

"You should've just waited for the next ride." One of the men snorted. Connor glared in the direction of the voice.

"All have you know, sir, I have to meet with Mr.Sivan right about now, so don't yell at me for trying to be punctual." Connor snapped. The man's eyes went wide and Connor turned back around, satisfied with himself.

The elevator ride was only two minutes, but it was the longest two minutes of Connor's life. Being shoved around so other people could get out was annoying and horrendously embarrassing, not to mention having to stand next to old, sweaty me was disgusting. Once they reached the top floor, Connor walked out quickly.

The hallway to Mr.Sivan's office was unnecessarily long and Connor really didn't want to do anymore walking. Besides, the man probably just wanted another cup of coffee, nothing that important. Connor's eyes rolled intensely as he kept walking, thinking about how becoming a stripper would be ten times easier than this.

Once Connor reached the door after a while and he sighed before knocking on the door.

"Come in." Mr.Sivan yelled from the inside. Connor walked in and stood far from his desk.

"You called for me, Mr.Sivan?" Connor asked suspiciously. Usually Mr.Sivan would've sent Connor to get him a coffee already, but he didn't.

"Yeah, take a seat then." Mr.Sivan said softly. Connor sat in one of the big, plush chairs in front of Mr.Sivan's desk.

"Did you need me for anything, Mr.Sivan?" Connor asked, getting more and more impatient.

"Please, call me Troye. And yes, I do need you, but not for the reason you think." Troye said, mindlessly shuffling the the papers on his desk.

"Like what?" Connor asked in confusion.

"Connor, I'm gay. You know that." Troye sighed. Connor nodded. It was one of the reasons why he wanted the job; there's no way he could lose his job for being gay if the CEO is gay himself. "I know you're gay, Connor."

"I know that, sir. It was in my resumé." Connor spoke quietly, wondering where this was going.

"25 years old, right?" Connor nodded, "3 years older than me, funny. But let's cut to the chase. I've been dating on and off for a few years now, and I've never met someone like you. I don't know if it's your soft-spoken voice or your amazing physique, but I'm intrigued by you and I'd like to know you better."

"Are you asking me out?" Connor asked bluntly. It's not like Connor would say no, Troye is really attractive, but he didn't know how to react. Troye stood up and closed the curtains in the window.

"I suppose so. Are you okay with that?" Troye asked and Connor nodded. Troye walked over to Connor and stepped behind him. Troye gently placed his hands on Connor's shoulder, Connor shuddering at the touch. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes sir." Connor whispered. Troye's hands started venturing lower on Connor's chest, undoing Connor's tie and unbuttoning his shirt. "What are you trying to do, Troye?"

"Can't you see, Connor? I really want to know all of you. I already know your mind enough, I need to know your body." Troye explained, his hands rubbing Connor's bare chest.

"Won't we get caught?"

"Not if you're quiet, sweetheart. Besides if someone asks, I'll cover for you." Troye said, angling Connor's face to kiss him. Connor Kissed back immediately, loving the taste of Troye. Connor pulled away for a moment so he could stand up only to kiss Troye again.

Troye shoved the papers of his desk and sat Connor of top of it, removing his blazer and button-up in the process. Connor whimpered as Troye left lovebites all of his neck. He wasn't worrying how he was gonna cover them up, he was too into the moment. Connor started to mess with the zipper on Troyes pants before unbuttoning them and pushing them down to reveal Troye's half-hard dick sticking out from the hem of his boxers. Connor stuck his hand into Troye's boxers and starting stroking him. Troye let out a quiet moan and lifting Connor off of his desk as he sat there himself. Connor got on his knees and did a few kitten licks at Troyes dick. Connor then took Troye's dick into his mouth, making Troye moan loudly. Troye covered his mouth with his hand.

"Damn, Connor. You're quite good at this." Troye whispered.

"Thank you, sir." Connor pulled off long to say that before going back at what he was doing. Troye sat up and walked around the desk to get a small sample pack of lube and a condom from the drawer. "Do you always have that in your drawers?"

"Not until recently, when you started working here." Troye responded, flipping his out of his face. Connor took the initiative to discard his jeans and bend over the desk. Troye grabbed Connor's ass and put some lube over three of his fingers. Troye stuck one finger into Connor, Connor moaning loudly before silencing himself with his hand.  Troye stuck in another finger and another until he three fingers knuckle deep in Connor and Connor was a whimpering mess.

"Sir, please." Connor whimpered quietly. Troye stood up quickly, opened the condom with his teeth, and rolled the condom his dick.

"I don't know, but every time you call me sir, it really gets me going." Troye groaned before pushing into Connor. They both moaned loudly and Connor felt completely full. He was beginning to rethink his dislike for this job.

"Fucking hell, sir." Connor moaned when Troye bottomed out. Hearing Connor say sir was like music to Troye's ears. Troye started moving after a while, making Connor yelp.

"Shit, Con." Troye groaned. Connor was holding onto the edge of the desk that his knuckles were white   Troye started thrusting harder and faster, the desk moving slightly.

"I'm close, sir." Connor whimpered.

"Me too, sweetheart. Do you want to cum, babydoll?" Connor nodded furiously, not wanted to be edged.  "Go for it sugarplum."

Connor came all over the desk, thanking Troye in his head for clearing the desk of all the papers.  Troye came a few thrust after with a moan of Connor's name. Troye pulled out and cleaned Connor up, helping him stand up afterwards.

"Thank you, sir. It was amazing." Connor said after he was dressed again.

"No problem, hun. Here, take the rest of the day off. And here's my number if you want to talk privately." Troye winked at Connor.

Connor kissed Troye before walking out of the office. He smiled the entire walk out of the building.

Maybe he won't become a stripper after all


I'm thinking about turning this into an actual fanfic, what do you think?

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now