Day 2: outdoors/Public sex (Ryden)

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"Good show guys!" Ryan called out when they walked of stage. He turned to Brendon who was still high of the adrenaline.

"You know it!" Brendon yelled, smacking Ryan's ass. Ryan let out a yelp and blushed as Dallon laughed loudly.

After a while, everyone started walking out to the tour bus when Ryan felt someone grab his arm. Instinctively, he screamed but he then shushed by Brendon who was pulling him behind a tree.

"Bren, what are you doing?" Ryan asked quietly.

"Are you as horny as I am right now?"

Ryan stared at Brendon in confusion. Brendon rolled his eyes and pulled Ryan in for a kiss. It was a few seconds before Ryan decided to kiss back.

"Wanna have a quickie?" Brendon asked when he pulled away.

"Don't we have to get on the bus soon? And besides, where would we do it? We're outside." Ryan questioned.

"I hate that you ask so many questions." Brendon sighs, "Just come on, we'll do it on the bench over there. And the bus is always late to leave."

Ryan rolled his eyes before slowly walking towards the bench Brendon was talking about. He bent over it and started to unbutton his jeans. He heard Brendon doing the same thing. Ryan shoved his pants down and felt Brendon's cold hands on his ass.

"Your hands are cold." Ryan shuddered.

"Well, sorry that my hand temperature isn't up to your standards." Brendon said sarcastically.

"Just get it over with."

Brendon spits in his hand and rubs it on his dick.

"Wait, did you need to be stretched?"

"We don't have time for that. Just do it, I can handle it." Ryan said, "Hurry up, it's cold out here."

"Don't worry, you're gonna be real warm after this." Brendon smirked.

"First of all, ew."


Brendon took his spit-slick dick and placed it against Ryan's entrance. He pushed in slowly, both he and Ryan moaning loudly.

"Fuck.." Ryan drew out the word as Brendon bottomed out. It had been a while since Ryan had done anything like this he almost forgot what it felt like.

After a few moments, Brendon started moving. But, since they were short on time, he didn't waste time easing into it. He started slamming into Ryan without notice, making him moan louder than before.

"Shh," Brendon clamped his hand over Ryan's mouth, "this might be an abandoned bench, but we're still outside."

"Shut up and fuck me harder."

Doing as her was told, Brendon started going harder faster, groaning with every thrust.

"Fucking hell," Ryan moaned, his legs giving up on him slightly, "I'm close, B."

"Me too."

A few more thrusts and Ryan was cumming in spurts all over the bench. Brendon came a few moments after.

"Brendon, quick question. How am I supposed to get dressed when know." Ryan asked

"Just tolerate it until we get on the bus." Brendon said, grabbing Ryan's waist when he got his pants on. "Wasn't that fun, though?"

"I guess so, you weirdo."

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now