Day 9: whips (Scömichè)

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"But Scotty, I need you right now." Mitch whined in the middle Pentatonix rehearsal.

"Come on, baby. We just have another half hour and then we'll go home and I'll give you what you want." Scotty whispered. Mitch squirmed impatiently in his seat. Kirstie looked at them in confusion.

"You know what? You guys can go, we're about done anyways. Whatever you miss, we'll catch you up on  it tomorrow, 'kay" Kirstie said. Mitch got excited and looked at Scott, who was rolling his eyes and standing up.

"Okay. Thanks Kirst, and sorry for making you extremely uncomfortable." Scott laughed as Kitstie's face went kind of red. Mitch stood up and grabbed Scott's hand as the left the studio.

*at the house*

"Okay, honeybunch, what do you want me to do tonight?" Scott sighed.

"Whips, please." Mitch said confidently. Scott got wide-eyed when Mitch said that.

"Are you sure, we haven't done whips in a long time." Scott asked. Mitch nodded excitedly and went upstairs to find the whip that was hidden in the closet. Scott followed slowly, not wanting to rush the situation.

The last time they had used a whip was 3 years ago, and it ended with Mitch crying and Scott apologising profusely. Scott really didn't know why Mitch wanted to use the whip again anyway.

When Scott made it upstairs, he was surprised to see that Mitch was already naked with the whip in hand.

"Wow, how did you find that? Matter of fact, where did you find that?" Scott interrogated.

"That's not important. What is important is you kissing me right now." Mitch mumbled. Scott smirked and walked over to kiss Mitch. Mitch moaned into the kiss as Scott took the whip from his hand. Mitch pulled away and got on his hands and knees on the bed.

"Mitch, are you sure you want to do this?" Scott asked.

"Just do it, Scotty. I can take it, I promise." Mitch whimpered. Scott sighed nervously and whipped Mitch, hitting his ass spot on. Mitch moaned, but Scott couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure.

"You okay, baby?" Scott asked. Mitch nodded.

"Do it again, please." Mitch moaned. Scott nodded and whipped him again, Mitch moaning at every crack of the whip.

After a while, Mitch's ass was had bright red welts on it and Mitch was a mess.

"Scott, fuck me already." Mitch mumbled. Scott smirked and grabbed the lube that was sitting conveniently on the pillow, making him wonder if Mitch had put it there. He put the lube on his dick and Mitch's hole before plunging in Mitch without warning. "Fucking hell Scott!"

"What? If you can take me whipping you continuously, you can take going without prep." Scott said, pounding into Mitch aggressively. Mitch moaned loudly in pleasure, and, just based of Mitch's body language, Scott could tell he was close.

Mitch came without say, moaning Scott's name when he did. Scott's thrusts became sloppier and soon, he was cumming too. Scott pulled out and walked to the bathroom to get some soothing cream for Mitch's poor bum.

After he applied the cream to Mitch, Scott laid down. Mitch tried to do the same but he winced when he tried to lay down.

"You might have to lay on your stomach, sweetheart." Scott mumbled, tiredly.

"Okay, Scotty."

"I'm sorry, hun. Does it hurt bad?" Scott asked.

"Not really. It'll just take some time to heal. No biggie."

"Sweet dream, baby. I love you."

"Love you, too, Scotty."


This is another good one. The next two might be better because it's the weekend and I don't have school

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now